Here is something I wish I knew more about... Up until a year or two ago, we had a paper recycling box that we carefully put only white paper and newsprint into - but not the glossy color stuff and not the plastic from window envelopes. I don't want to begin to imagine how many little bits of plastic I have ripped out of envelopes over the years so I could recycle the paper envelope properly. A few years ago, we were told that "they" accept all paper, of all sorts - even the really glossy and the plastic windows. Everything. So now the paper recycling boxes look a lot like a trash can, with everything we throw out that is made of paper. And somehow, this makes it all seem to make less sense... are they really taking all of this and recycling it? Or are they just throwing it away? Luisa is planning to organize a field trip to the recycling plant in our local area at some point... so we can find out what "they" actually do with all this paper we are collecting for them. Do other parts of the country take all paper or just white paper? -Kristin (who still has paper recycling boxes all over her house and office that Andy dutifully emptied last night.)