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Re: [Eco] convert your car to run on water

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 7 Apr 2008 08:02:46 -0700
Chris is right, it's not feasible to run your car on water.

From the site Maria sent:

"Our easy conversion guide will show you how to use electricity from your car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also called Brown's Gas or Hydroxy, burns smoothly and provides significant energy - while the end product is just H2O! HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the stability of water."

A former chemistry teacher's answer (me):
H20 and HHO are the same thing.  No conversion has happened.  HHO does not burn.  Hydrogen (in the form of H2... 2 Hydrogen atoms bonded together) burns just fine... and it combines with oxygen in and gives you H2O again.

To do this, you have to separate the water into Oxygen and Hydrogen.  Water is basically an Oxygen with a Hydrogen hanging out on opposite sides.  It can be diagrammed fairly accurately like this:
  H - O - H

The Hydrogens are not attached to each other - they are each separately attached to the Oxygen.

To get Hydrogen to burn, you have to first separate it from the Oxygen.  That takes a certain amount of energy.  So you pump energy into the system to yank the Hydrogens off the Oxygen.  Cool... then you burn the hydrogen.

The amount of energy you get back when you burn the hydrogen is the same as the amount you put in to pull the hydrogen off the oxygen in the first place.  Which you then have to put back into the system to yank off the next hydrogens to burn, which gives you energy again... which you have to put back into the system to yank the next hydrogens off....

You see the problem?  You'll never get any "extra" energy to run your car.  All the energy you get out of the system is the same amount of energy you need to put into it in the first place.

On top of that, you won't *really* get all that energy out of the system... there will always be some energy lost to heat (or light as it burns.... that's a form of energy too) and you can't capture all of it... so actually, you put MORE energy into the system than you can actually get back out again.

It sounds too good to be true... and it is.

Hope that helped!

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Maria P <mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Convert your car to run on water.   Anyone know if this is for real?  --Maria


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Carol Townsend
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