Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Green Power Expo - Seattle - May 3rd

  • From"Cecelia Thomas" <sagefire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 15 Apr 2008 10:09:44 -0600
Awesome! Thanks Carol.
Bookmarked a few of these links. I also just ordered a blanket from Affirmagy. Nice sentiments and will come in handy for an upcoming concert my chorus group is doing.

"si se puede" (Yes, it can be done)
- Cesar Chavez

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On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Carol Townsend <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just FYI for those who are interested and/or can attend:

Green Power Baby Shower Expo
May 3rd,
Seattle Sheraton Hotel.

I found out about it from this site:

...which I found out about from a blog on this site:

...where I just ordered a new Peace blanket:

....from Affirmagy.com, which itself is a green friendly company  (ain't the internet great??)

...which makes cool, positive, affirming blankets.  I've given a few of these as gifts and am finally ordering one for myself. 

Anyway - I thought there might be some folks who'd want to know about the Green Power Baby Expo.  Enjoy!

Carol Townsend
H: 630.681.0311
C: 630.215.6027

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