Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] Looney for Learning!

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 14 Jun 2006 10:03:39 -0500
Hey Johnpaul!

No real prep is needed - all we're going to do basically is play games
with the teachers.

I think we should probably focus on a few games, specifically
Treehouse (I've got a lot already written on how TH fits national
standards), EcoFluxx, Chrononauts and NanoFictionary.  These are the
games that I feel are most easily adaptable to classrooms.  We'll
probably also bring along the rest (basically, have my purple bag with
us) so we can dig out Aquarius or other things, but if we show any
games, I think those first 4 are the biggest bang for our buck.

So... while we may not need 4 Rabbits (I don't think we'll have enough
teachers to split up into 4 full games - at least, judging from
previous years we won't) having 3 or 4 rabbits there would really

Thanks Johnpaul!!

ps... are you vocal or instrumental music ed??  just curious... : )

I'm studying Music Education right now in Ohio and would love to help out on
Friday!  I'll probably be hanging around a lot at the Experiment on Friday
(hopefully helping out as well) and would be availble to help present games
on Friday for other teachers.  Just get me the amterials and I'll prep while
here at home!

Johnpaul Adams.

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