Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

BLANXX-- Re: [Edu] Draw 2

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 18 Nov 2006 10:42:11 -0500
I always have plenty of examples of things that don't work.
BTW- I used some of my BLANXX last night- Settings- 1- A place where sheep graze  2- A cottage in the woods. Characters- 1-The 3 wisemen  2- a short elf anf a tall elf Problems- 1- They were being followed  2- There was No transportation  Resolutions - He became King
My Miniature History Buff son made S- World War 2, C- an Ace Pilot  P- He was shot down  R- the USA 'finally came in.
Connor made a character- The kid who is allergic to the sun.
Don't they have BLANXX for Eco Fluxx? maybe not. I couldn;t find them online yesterday.

On 11/18/06, Carol Townsend <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Excellent to hear, Kimberly - thanks!

This is perfect - hearing what works and what DOESN"T work in your classroom is what this list is all about.  Thanks for sharing!!


On 11/17/06, Kimberly Terrill < kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had made some extra rule cards to go with our Nanofictionary. Rules of draw 2 -play 1. and 'reset rules'. It was a bad idea. I do not encourage it nor suggest it. Stick with the 'Draw One-Play One' rule.

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