Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] Eco-thoughts - and Playing with/for Water

  • FromMagi Shepley <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 21 Feb 2007 14:38:14 -0500 (EST)
We are going to be doing a unit on weather for science next (if we ever have enough school days in a row that I don't have 50% of my class sick, or if we don't have any more snow!), so this might fit in.  We don't have EcoFluxx yet, but its on my list to buy.  It would fit in well with this unit, and the Red Cross disaster preparedness curriculum we are using.
I might have to find a less intense video though...I'm not sure.  I'm going to watch it again tonight at home.
---- Looney Labs Education Discussion List <edu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is great stuff, Carol!   (and WOW that video is cool)
> I've asked Carol to turn this into a lesson plan within her Looney Academy
> pages at our web site - so please think about how you might use this in 
> your
> classroom and offer suggestions to present this in a way you could use it.
> Anyone teaching a "Water is IMPORTANT" curriculum that can try this?
> ------------ Forwarded Message ------------
> Hey folks,
> I got this video tossed to me the other day and I wanted to share it with
> you:
> http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/rough/2005/10/south_africa_th.html
> It's a video about how one product has changed the lives of people.  This
> product is called Play Pump - and kids do what kids normally do - they just
> play - and the pump (on which they're playing) pumps clean water from deep
> underground into holding tanks for the community or school's use.
> Wow.
> Next time you play EcoFluxx with your students, toss this video up on the
> screen for them to watch - and take some time to emphasize how important
> that Water is in real life - Model it by taking Water out of the deck - and
> seeing what it would affect - how many cards (besides the obvious Goals
> that contain water) would it affect?
> Rainbows
> Clouds
> Mud
> Fish (no water, no Fish) - and therefore any Goals that require Fish would
> be out.
> Frogs (no water, no Frogs... no goals that require Frogs)
> Worms (require moisture for breathing thru their skin.... no water, no
> Worms, etc...)
> Tadpoles....
> in more advanced classes - what processes require water to happen?
> Photosynthesis (CO2 + H2O --> C6H12O6)
> Ferns (they grow in moist places because of their reproduction
> requirements....)
> Composting (can it even happen without moisture?)
> Anyway... these were just a jumble of thoughts that I wanted to toss out.
> Great teachers find lots of ways to get the same point across multiple
> times - and here's just one more way you can use EcoFluxx - in your "Water
> is IMPORTANT!!" section of your curriculum.
> Thanks for teaching with Looney Labs games!
> Carol
> ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

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