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[Fluxx] Re: New Rule Proposal; Optical Illusion

  • From"Austin Muhlestein" <horowits@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 19 Jan 2007 16:26:54 -0700
	New Rule: "Optical Illusion"

	What do you think?

      Hehe, good rule.

New Rule: "Optical Illusion"
In the event that any player catches another experienced player in the act
of failing to observe every rule, in it's entirety, either through amnesia
or myopia, the observant player may take one card from the other player's
hand at any time that player has cards. The observant player may disregard
hand-limit rules until it is their turn, for that one card only.

What do you think?

I like it, but maybe rather than putting the card in your hand and disregarding the hand limit, the taken card could be played by the observant player immediantly? So i suppose I would say this:

New Rule: "Optical Illusion"
In the event that any player catches another player in the act of failing to observe every rule, the observant player may take a card at random from the other player's hand, and play it.

I took out "experienced player" just for the reason that I think that it goes without saying that people new to the game will miss a new rule or two, then it is up to the observant player if he wants to have mercy or not. ;)

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