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Re: [Fluxx] Robots?! Or daleks!

  • From"Chris Kice" <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 17 Apr 2007 17:26:31 -0500
Great idea!  I've been toying with the idea of making a new, completely themed deck out of Blanxx and this is a good place to start.

I would also love to make my own Chrononauts ID expansion with "famous" time travelers from movies and sci-fi literature.  I should just get a set of the existing ID expansion and "sticker" the front in absence of proper blanks.  Hmmm...


On 4/17/07, S Mattison <s.mattison@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Someone has made a vital error... They forgot to make Doctor Who
Fluxx! (well, blanxx, at least)
Daleks... Cybermen... Tardis... Sonic Screwdriver... Tin Dog!
Why, there are a whole slew of ideas for keepers, and maybe even
actions and rules, on these pages!


And hey, there might even be a way to work such ideas into Chrononauts
as well! ;p

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