Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

Re: [Geeks] Ok - check this out

  • FromKristin Looney <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 08 Feb 2007 12:47:00 -0500
--On Feb 2, 2007 Kristin Looney <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

check out this great new page we built together today!

an update from Kristin...

Samples are on their way to the nice folks who run thinkgeek.com,
and they are excited to check them out and play them.  This page
full of quotes from you guys *absolutely* helped me to get their
attention, thanks everyone!

One of you also suggested arstechnica.com as a place that is
very well respected by the technology community, and hosts a
number of blogs, including some that cover (computer gaming).

I poked around the site a bit, and the only gaming reviews they
do are computer games...  does anyone read this site regularly?
Is there a particular bloger that you think might be receptive
to reviewing some physical games that geeks love?

Any other geek blogs out there that you guys read, or web sites
that do reviews that you think might be interested in reviewing
a card game like Fluxx?  Please drop them an email with a link
to this page: <http://www.looneylabs.com/OurGames/geekgames.html>
... and cc us (media-support at looneylabs.com) on your message,
so we can follow up and get them samples if they seem interested
in taking a look at and writing about our games.

Thanks everyone for helping me promote our games to more geeks!
