Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

Re: [Geeks] a request from Kristin...

  • FromKristin <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 12 Dec 2008 10:09:51 -0500
A big THANK YOU to anyone who has forwarded this code to other
geeks out there...  the code is being used, so someone did manage
to post it someplace!

Please know how much we appreciate your help - Happy Holidays!


--On Dec 8, 2008 Kristin <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello to everyone on our GEEKS mailing list!

Since most of you are in our database, you know about our new shopping
cart, and the $5 discount code we just sent out.  The sales response to
this coupon has been incredible, and I would like to try to do the same
thing again, this time with NEW customers not currently in our database.
So we are going to try to see if we can reach more geeks like you...

The new discount coupon code: MPFFG5
It is good for $5 off any order in our online store, valid for 2 weeks

Can you help us tell other geeks about this offer? Maybe other geeks
around your office, or within an organization you belong to? or a geeky
forum or mailing list you frequent?

Here are the pertinent details...
Looney Labs is looking for Geeks who are looking for Gifts!

To promote the arrival of Fluxx 4.0, as well as the recent release of
Monty Python Fluxx, Looney Labs is offering a $5 discount to new customers
for a very limited time.  This Coupon Code expires on Dec 20th 2008.

Monty Python Fluxx: <http://wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/Fluxx/MontyPython/>
Fluxx 4.0: <http://wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/Fluxx/Version4/>
Pink Treehouse: <http://wunderland.com/icehouse/Treehouse/Pink/>
Geek Testimonials: <http://looneylabs.com/OurGames/geekgames.html>

$5 off (enter coupon code MPFFG5) - at http://store.looneylabs.com
Coupon is for new customers - one coupon per person, one coupon per order.

Looney Labs offers 38 games/accessories under $20 - shop online today!

We don't want to post to mailing lists or forums that we ourselves do not
already frequent, but if any of you have a place online that you hang
out, where other geeks frequent, please pass along the details of this
special discount code.  Please be sure to share your own thoughts about
our games in your message...

And if you have not yet claimed a free copy of the deluxe version of our
holiday gift, promoting this special to other geeks online or around your
office right now would definitely count as something you did in 2008 to
qualify for the free World War 5 deluxe game board!

Please help us get word out about this special promotion code TODAY if
you can!

-Kristin Looney
(301) 441-1019  <-- office
(240) 461-5960  <-- my cell

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