Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Tic Tac Doh!

  • From"Timothy Hunt" <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 19 May 2007 14:16:13 -0500
no, you can't.  size difference must be 1.


On 5/19/07, Eric Handler <reldnahcire@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey everyone

I am a big fan and a long time lurker on the list.  I am taking an intro
CS course and our final project is to code a game.  I was thinking I
would write up code for Tic Tac Doh, and I grabbed my little ICE-7 card
to remind myself of the rules.  I have a simple I hope question that has
probably already been answered.  The card says one can build a nest by
placing an 2-pip on a 1-pip or a 3-pip on a 2-pip(possibly already on a
1-pip).  Is a 3-pip over a 1-pip a valid move? (My gut is no, because
that isn't really a nest...)

Eric Handler
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