I'm with you, David. These three would do the
work of the 10 or 12 pages we currently have. (OK, I'm exaggerating.
A little.)
I haven't weighed in much on the Wiki, as I think
you've taken the bull by the horns and done something, and none of what you've
done to date offends. Count this, then, as my vote for your plan.
And bring on the IGDC!
----- Original Message -----
* "The List" = Alphabetical list of
all games, needed anyway to drive an enumeration template (making "Existing
Games" a redundant page). * "What Can I Play?" = Finished games, by
requirements, with superscript icons/acronyms to indicate publication or
awards (thereby making "Choosing Games" a redundant page) * "Games Under
Development" = Unfinished games, sorted into sections by completeness, then
put into tables by date of request for