I just checked out PocketMod. What a neat idea! In fact, talking about making a rules booklet got my gears turning: what if I could fit the rules to several games into a single booklet? I started this afternoon and managed to fit
Twin Win into a page small enough to fit in a PocketMod. I think that over time I could put together a few of these pages. I then had the idea of making a name for the booklet. So I ask you: assuming I attain the attention span required to make 6 or so mini-rulesheets, what would be your favorite name for it out of those made by combining 2 or 3 of the words Ice, Flake, Crystal, Pocket, Mod, Rule(s), Book, and Nano? (i.e. IceCrystal, PocketRuleBook, PocketIceMod, NanoIce, etc).
~nupanick (or other appropriate name)
Guvf VF zl jvggl fvtangher.