Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] World War 5?

  • From"Michael Kelley" <mwkelley@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 4 Oct 2008 19:14:10 -0700
Hey, that actually gives me an interesting idea: What if, in addition to the official map, you could use the same rules but play the game using any old map you have on hand?

For instance, you could take a real map of your own city or state, use a Sharpie marker to divide it up into territories, and play on that. Or if you're camping in a National Park, you could use one of those free National Park maps as the gameboard. Or heck, just create an entirely imaginary world-map on a blank sheet of paper, for that matter...

I've heard of people doing similar things with Diplomacy or Risk, but creating a fun-to-play Diplomacy map is pretty tricky (just from a topology design standpoint), whereas this game sounds much simpler and Icehouse pieces are much easier to lug around. Hmmmm. (*gamer-nerd gears spinning...*)

Now I'm getting very interested. I hope Andy spills some details soon...
-- Wheatberry

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:49 PM, Michael Kelley <mwkelley@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Huh. I wonder: is that the final board in the picture, or a prototype? It doesn't seem to have any folds in it; that'd make carrying it around kind of pain.

Looks interesting, though.
-- Wheatberry

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Pat <xenophule@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I honestly don't see how it isn't. A super-simplified version of Risk
may be a welcome thing for doctor waits and such, so I see this as a
good thing.

On 10/4/08, Timothy Hunt <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Did I miss an announcement?
> I was checking out the Looney Labs website to see if there was any
> news on Monty Python and Pink Treehouse and saw "World War 5" (a
> ThreeHouse game) coming soon...
> http://www.looneylabs.com/OurGames/RetailerSupport/InPrint.html#soon
> Timothy
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