Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Giant Pyramids

  • FromJoshua Kronengold <mneme@xxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 1 Jul 2009 12:06:13 -0500
Does anyone have giant pyramids that are languishing?

I hear the RPI crew is looking for a set -- to put on giant pyramid
games at their con -- Genericon.

Alas, while I used to have 5 stashes, they ended up getting thrown out
in confusion (the risks of storing them with a student club,
alas--though at a different school).

       Joshua Kronengold (mneme@(io.com, labcats.org)) |\      _,,,--,,_  ,)
--^--   "Did you know, if you increment enough, you   /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'
 /\\    get an extra digit?"  "I knew," weeps Six.    |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\     
/-\\\   "We knew. But we had forgotten."	     '---''(_/--' (_/-'

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