Looney Labs New Mailing list Archive

[New-stuff] New EcoFluxx and more!

  • FromJessica Blair <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 07 Feb 2010 23:51:32 -0800
Dear Looney Labs Fans,

EcoFluxx is better than ever! The new version releasing February 26 has over a dozen new cards including three Creepers. It also features full color art and an Easy EcoFluxx rules variant. Here are more details: http://www.wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/EcoFluxx/Default.html

Family Fluxx is also coming back out in the new packaging – but it is the exact same game. The rules are now in the new style and full color, but that is the only change other than to the box. Here are more details: http://www.wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/FamilyFluxx/

You can pre-order both games from your Friendly Local Retail store – search by zip code here: http://roster.looneylabs.com

You can pre-order directly from us if you don’t have a local store. Pre-orders will ship from our warehouse on February 26.

EcoFluxx: http://store.looneylabs.com/EcoFluxx
Family Fluxx: http://store.looneylabs.com/FamilyFluxx

Posters with the new packaging are available for only $1
EcoFluxx Poster: http://store.looneylabs.com/EcoFluxx-Poster
Family Fluxx Poster: http://store.looneylabs.com/FamilyFluxx

New peel-off Promo Card Postcards – no rough edges so card backs match! MSRP $1 Recycling (great with EcoFluxx, can be used with any Fluxx deck): http://store.looneylabs.com/Recycling Summer Vacation (can only be used with Family Fluxx): http://store.looneylabs.com/Summer-Vacation

Thanks for playing Looney Labs games!

~Jessica Blair and the Looney Labs Sales Support Team

company site: http://looneylabs.com/
webzine: http://wunderland.com/
Phone: 301-441-1019, Fax: 301-441-4871
P.O. Box 761, College Park, MD 20741

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