Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Duckon

  • FromE Zuckerman <zuckermn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 8 Jun 2005 14:43:08 -0700 (PDT)
Carol --

   The Duckon Fan GoH, RJ Johnson, is a friend of mine, and has
played Zendo with me.  (Or maybe he merely watched Zendo, that was
occurring at his house.  I forget.)  Say hi for me.   ;-D


P.S.:  I'd forgotten that this address was on this list -- and I'm
entertaining the possibility that it *wasn't*...   %-}

--- Ragnardove@xxxxxxx wrote:

> In a message dated 6/7/2005 9:38:30 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> e_cuesta@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Hello from your con-going fiend:
> _Duckon 14: I  was a Teenage Duckon!_ (http://www.duckon.org/)    
> _http://www.duckon.org/_ (http://www.duckon.org/)                  
>   (this 
> weekend)
> SF Con in Naperville, IL; June 10-12th. 
> I'll be there running games in the game room when I'm not on
> panels.   No 
> real schedule... just a "when I'm there, I'll run whatever..." sort
> of game  time.
> See you there, I hope!!
> Carol
> > _______________________________________________
> Rabbits mailing list
> Rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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