Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Grey Pyramids

  • From"Carlton Noles" <carlton.noles@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 18 Oct 2006 23:08:18 -0400
My problem isn't that I have a life (tho I do) its just that I live in
the middle of nowhere. We have a couple of games stores in town (well
one cgamer type comic book store and one more of a novelty game type
store). I am working on both of them and offered to do several demo if
they pick up some looney labs games. We'll see. Anyone got any

On 10/18/06, Kimberly Terrill <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Oh I LIKE THAT!!! Breeding Rabbit.... That is the mission on the b ack of
the cards... to multiply...

On 10/18/06, Fred Poutre <cloven-fruit@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I already have the bio up. I do not think I have a picture on the computer
> All the demos I have done were to individual people (I even posted a
report on it). One of the friends I showed the games too is now a demo
rabbit herself. Hey can I get the title Breeding Rabbit, as all I seem to be
doing is making more rabbits?
> Thanks
> Fred Poutre
> Cloven Fruit Games
> On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:31:11 -0500 "Carol Townsend"
<carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> And if you post a Rabbit Bio or a picture, you get some points really
easily!  :)
> And no one is a bad rabbit!  We all have lives!!  We understand!!!!
> Carol
> On 10/18/06, Black Paladin <owaru@xxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
> > On 10/18/06, Fred Poutre < cloven-fruit@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Ok, so lacking enough Rabbit points (I know I am a bad rabbit); can I
just buy the grey pyramids?
> >
> >
> > Do you have *any* RPs available?  You only *need* to use 1; you can
spend cash for the rest.
> >
> > -Trevor
> >
> >
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Carlton "Kermit" Noles
"Joy Multiplies when it is shared among friends but grief diminishes
at every division. That is life"
-Drizzt Do'Urden
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