Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Restacking my Stash

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 30 Nov 2006 17:58:20 +0000
Kimberly T. wrote:
> FYI-If I restack my stash of pyramids, I can fit both the treehouse 
> and the reg D6 in the plastic tube. All set for Martian Coasters.
> 1st Nest-point tip UP
> 2nd nest=pointy tip DOWN (to fit down next to the 1st)
> 3rd nest-pointy tip UP (so the base of 3 is flat against the base of 2)
> 4th nest-pointy tip DOWN (to fit down next to 3)
> 5th nest- pointy tip up
> Now both dice needed for Martian Coasters fits in the tube.

Here's a photo of this particular stacking pattern - 


although at the time I took that the intent was to cut down the tube 
to save space. I think maybe the first person to post about this was
Dan Isaac?

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

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