Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] They loved it

  • From"Steven R. Black II" <srblack1167@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 1 Dec 2006 22:48:33 -0800 (PST)
Rule in question: Hop.
You may not Hop in such a way as to cause any coaster to be
disconnected from the rest of the group.
As Evan mentioned, and I agree:
If a coaster is placed in a way where only one of its squares touches
only one other square on another coaster it is considered disconnected
if you cannot move from one coaster to the other due to the arrows.

If red points to yellow, it is connected to yellow. However, if yellow
is not pointing to red, it is not connected.

Use this as an example: If there is an exit ramp off off the highway
(red) to 56th St , the the highway is connected. However, if there is
no ramp from 56th st (yellow) to the highway (red) it is not conneced.
So, the idea is that an arrow should point to the coaster and from it
for it to follow that rule.

That's what Evan suggested, and I agree. However, its your house so
your house rule. you are allowing someone to be stranded on a card, or
kept from going to their card until that one persong gets a HOP so be
it. However, it seems very unfair, and everyone will end up screwing
the others like that.

So, to keep it fair and FUN require an arrow to point both ways. It
will keep the game fun, and add challenge without the need of luck.


--- Kimberly Terrill <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Why? even if they coasters are set up in a square and all you have
> left to move is the queen, and you need to move 3 spaces to cross to
> the next coaster-- you can not move from coaster to coaster on your
> next turn.

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