Posted by Timothy Metcalf on May 31, 2017 at 07:58PM
My brother has discovered a completely overpowered strategy in Batman Fluxx. He gets the Batarang keeper, which allows you to top-deck a card from the discard pile by putting the Batarang back into your hand from the table. Then he gets all of the surprises. Then he uses those surprises to stop anyone from doing anything that would harm his position. When his turn comes, he picks up the Batarang before he draws and puts the surprise he played onto the draw pile. Then he draws, getting his surprise back. Because he can block anything that would benefit his opponent, this puts him in a position of absolute, unbreakable dominance.
The question here: Is it legal for him to use Batarang before drawing? It makes the card far too powerful, but the Batarang says it can be used "Once during your turn" without any restrictions. Can you use free actions before drawing, or does drawing your cards denote the start of your turn? Likewise, if a multiple draw rule was in effect, could he use Batarang between draws?
Posted by Michael Ciarlillo on May 30, 2017 at 08:56PM
So, I recently snagged a copy of EcoFluxx v2.0 from eBay, and there's a discrepancy between the cards in the box and the cards listed on ...
The card list shows Trash A Keeper, but what I have is Trash Something. I assume it's because the newer card (Trash Something) is in there for the Creepers in v2.0 when 1st Edition didn't have them, but the card list doesn't reflect that. (The card I have has the EcoFluxx stripe on it, it's the older style border, and that card wasn't in 1st Edition, so I assume it's a card list discrepancy...) Also, There's no Hand Limit 0 like the original EcoFluxx, but there's Hand Limits 3 and 4 instead... Are these card list issues, or issues somehow with the deck I bought?
Posted by KC Burgos on May 16, 2017 at 02:04AM
Hey everyone. So I have loved Fluxx Blanxx and taken full advantage. Me and Joe Winder, owner of Mr. J's Asylum in Muncy, Pa, and Megan Elizabeth have taken to creating what we call Fandom Fluxx as well as problem the most expensive Fluxx Deck made. It combined many different fandoms and includes some crazy new rules and actions along with some old ones with a new twist. If anyone wants to try it out on their own feel free to let me know and I will send it or upload it to a file sharing site. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you guys do Fandom Fluxx 2 and Fandom Fluxx 3 Decks and we can share them and go at it.
Instead of "Toons Never Die" we have "Heroes Never Die"

Instead of that pesky "Rules Reset" we decided to add some flair with "Reboot!"
Of course you need a counter. And This card and idea is the one that started it all. "Rules Reset RESET!"
And the last for now. my personal favorite. A Creeper with the ability to sow chaos. A on demand and constant version of "Mix it Up" except its so much more. Creeper "Discord"
There is that and a whole bunch more in there. Feel free to ask about them or take a look yourselves or make your own. I plan and continuing updates and posting more pictures when I get a chance. Happy Fluxxing everyone!!!
Posted by Ian Salazar on December 02, 2016 at 05:06PM
Hey there everyone, I was wondering is there a list of Fluxx expansions/cards that aren't seen or really talked about on the Looney Labs site?
Some examples of Unofficial expansions/promos:
The Wedding cards showcased in a Wunderland Blog
The 2 meta rules showed off in a Wunderland Blog
Playniac's "Not so Fast" Meta Rule
Some examples of the harder to hear about expansions/promos (they appear to be mainly website specific):
The Foam Brain Keeper
Board Game Geek Expansion (though not as hard to hear about)
The Deluxe Werewolf Exclusive Cards (though when the kickstarter was happening, it was not hard to hear about)
While most of the second category are listed in Fluxx Promos on BBG, none of the first category are.
Anywho, thank you for stopping by and reading this / helping me with this conundrum, Ian Blake Salazar
Posted by Witt Sullivan on October 21, 2016 at 05:02AM
Due to popularity of the Firefly and the reason for the season, I'll be running demos of Firefly Fluxx and Monster Fluxx, and probably Zombie Fluxx October 29 at the Caster's Den in Iuka, MS.
Posted by Vu Hao Nhien on August 03, 2016 at 12:22PM
Does anti-doom in Cthulhu Fluxx count as doomed keeper ?
Posted by Draw5PlayAll on July 28, 2016 at 01:17AM
So one day I was bored, and decided to get out Fluxx 5.0. I set out five ghost opponents and a randomizer. And I managed to... lose. Because one enemy played a Goal that made another win.
Seriously, everything was random. Steal a keeper? Pick a random number from 1 to #keepers.
Problems arise with GetOnWithIt, Mystery Play, Recycling, and Goal Mill though and I want advice.
Since then, I have managed to defeat increasing numbers of opponents. I want to play against nine, but I never find the time.
Has anyone else done something like this? If so, did you manage to win? Did you run into problems with certain rules?
Posted by Vu Hao Nhien on June 22, 2016 at 05:16PM
Hello guys,
I've played Cthulhu Fluxx for awhile, but still wonder if I've got it right.
1/ Federal Agents: During my turn, I can discard that keeper along with one creep of my choice. So what if my Federal Agents got trashed by an action, for instance, would I be able to drag one of any creeper in front of me along to the discard pile ?
Thanks in advance
Posted by Greg Weston on March 25, 2016 at 01:41AM
Posted by David Lambert on March 15, 2016 at 12:31PM
Looney Labs' post on Facebook yesterday shows that there will be TWO promo cards for Firefly Fluxx:
A Creeper called The Alliance, only available at local retailers who sell Fluxx products. And a Keeper called Alliance Treasure, which can only be gotten as an insert into Game Trade Magazine issue 193; here's the cover art to that issue (I've never seen a magazine called that, sold locally in my city, so I am probably out of luck).
If you're like me and bought the Firefly Fluxx through the 2016 Spring Release Launch Kit, it did NOT include these promo cards (which I think is weird, considering that last year's "2015 Summer Release Fan Kit" with Batman Fluxx and Adventure Time Fluxx included the promo cards for those games, but not Firefly? Huh!).
The promo cards for Firefly Fluxx are NOT yet for sale in the Looney Labs webstore (I just checked under "Promo Cards & Expansion Packs"), so I guess there's no easy way for me to get these between now and then. :(
Here's what these look like:

Posted by stevie rae coyle on March 08, 2016 at 06:56AM
just got to open my demo copy on nature fluxx i LOVE it. i was sad to see that there was no goal mill inside. goal mill has become my fav card of them all and i have a one in every fluxx set i own, to see a new set come out with out goal mill inside shocked me since i thought goal mill was to be inside every new set.. can someone till me why it was left out... not mad just shocked..... looks like im going to have to make a order again sooner then later
Posted by Adam Habig on January 29, 2016 at 08:20PM
If you Recycle (the New Rule) the Batmobile (to draw three cards) do you get to take another turn?
Posted by Wayne Humfleet on January 26, 2016 at 03:11AM
Going on a couples cruise next week. I decided to bring a few games to spend some time with them while shipboard. Fluxx was first on my list.
What other portable games would you bring aboard a Cruise Ship?
Posted by Renee_vs_Ryan on January 17, 2016 at 09:03PM
Gameplay question
The out of turn instructions say:"when another player plays a keeper, it goes in front of you instead of them, possibly preventing their victory."
As I read it- IF the person was playing a keeper to meet a goal, they do not win because you get the keeper. If that is not the situation, you merely get the keeper they just played. As my partner reads it- the other player must be playing a keeper to win in order to use the card out of turn to take a keeper.
Please settle our debate. (We both love the Fluxx games!)
Posted by Dave Autzen on January 15, 2016 at 05:37PM
Will there be a Firefly Fluxx Demo kit for Techs to purchase?
Posted by Bill Reddick on December 15, 2015 at 03:48AM
When the Dice Override is not in play and you have the Bad Luck Creeper and there is a New Rule Play # card down, does the Creeper card ( Only Roll the Draw Die, Count the Play Die as Play 1) supersede the Play rule? Or can you play as many as the Play Rule card says?
We have been playing as the Creeper Card Play 1 supersedes the Play rule.
Posted by Regi Pili on November 09, 2015 at 01:48AM
Is there any rule about having other players search the discard pile?
I figure it's more fun if other players don't know what you discard especially if it's a winning goal or keeper. So far we have been playing so that we cant see what's in there unless it's something the player has discarded or if it shows at the top of the pile but wanted clarification.
The Death card says that it can be discarded if it stands alone. Does that mean on the player's front or the entire table?
Posted by Jim Dunaway on November 03, 2015 at 10:04PM
Does anyone know if there are any expansions/promo cards for Chrononauts/EAC in the works?
Posted by Regi Pili on November 02, 2015 at 08:52PM
So here's the scenario...
Only 2 Players
All basic rules, no silver lining in affect.
Player 1 has 5 keepers plus the Radioactive Potato
Player 2 has 7 keepers, no creepers
It is Player 2's turn and they play Goal: 5 Keepers.
So does Player 2 instantly win or do they get blocked by the potato since it gets moved onto their side of the table?
Posted by radagast0419 on November 01, 2015 at 08:09PM
Just received a copy of Fluxx v2.1 from an eBay auction. Does anyone know what difference there is vs. 2.0 & 3.0?
Posted by feenix1363 on October 22, 2015 at 10:54PM
The 2015 Jack Vasel Memorial Auction is now active on BoardGameGeek.
When I was fortunate enough to have a game of Fluxx (or ten) with 'The Looney's' at the UkGamesExpo Andy kindly let me have a pack of the Flame-Thrower expansion pack for Zombie Fluxx to donate to this years gamers charity auction. I've now made the posting and thanked both Andy and Looney Labs for allowing me to do so.
Posted by SirTawmis on September 22, 2015 at 02:38AM
Okay, going to give a general run down.
We had three Players (Player A, Player B, and Player C).
So, one of the rules is Play 3 at the current time and 2 Keeper Limit.
Player A lays Down Keeper A and Keeper B (to win the game) based on the current Goal.
Player B lays down the Action of "Take a Keeper Potentially preventing the Win"
However, Player B already has 2 Keepers laid down.
So the question came - could Player B still play that Action card and take Player A's Keeper and prevent the win (even though they have 2 keepers laid down already) and simply discard one of their own Keepers to keep Player A's Keeper and still prevent the win?
Posted by David Lambert on September 16, 2015 at 11:28PM
Looney Labs posted on Instagram today that Nature Fluxx is coming in November.
Introducing Nature Fluxx, a slightly evolved version of old favorite, EcoFluxx! With beautifully updated packaging and card elements, 5% of the proceeds from Nature Fluxx will be donated to environmental groups.

Posted by David Lambert on September 12, 2015 at 05:18PM
The entire text of the "Batman Cuffs" keeper card in Batman Fluxx is "You can hide one Villain under this card."
It doesn't explain why you would want to do that, but I assume it's to "protect" that Creeper (Villain) from being stolen, discarded, or otherwise targeted by other players in the game.
On the other hand, the card doesn't provide for any mechanism to "unlock the cuffs" (i.e., un-hide the Villain that is currently hidden under it). For example, can I win with a Goal requiring a Villain that is currently under the cuffs? If my Creeper is Joker, and he is currently locked up and "hidden," and I also have the Batmobile keeper in play in front of me, too, then can my opponent play the "Joker Got Away" Goal card and I can't win because my Joker is "hidden" and the Goal can't see him? Or, since I locked him up in those cuffs, can I unlock him any time I want to (whether or not it's my turn)?
So far we've been playing it that you can move any Creeper in and out of those cuffs, any time you want, with impunity. Whatever works out best for the owner of the cuffs. The only stipulation is that the cuffs have to be activated on a Villain BEFORE an opponent "targets" that Villain with another card (i.e., if Peter wants to take Joe's card of the Riddler, to steal or to discard, or whatever then Peter cannot say 'uh-uh, I'm cuffing him' and THEN hide Riddler under the Batman Cuffs...Peter must have ALREADY previously hidden Riddler under those cuffs before the other opponent wanted to target him). Otherwise, if another opponent isn't currently targeting a particular Creeper of the Bat-Cuffs card owner, then the owner may "lock the cuffs" (hide a Villain) or "unlock the cuffs" (un-hide a Villain) or "transfer the cuffs" (un-hide one Villain and instead hid a different Villain) any time he or she wants to, whether or not it's their turn. That's how we've been playing it so far.
Does anyone play this differently?
What do the folks at Looney Labs say is the intention of how to use this card, under the different kinds of various circumstances I describe above?
Posted by David Lambert on September 10, 2015 at 10:27PM
Firefly Fluxx! It's happening! :o

Posted by Brooks Edwards on September 05, 2015 at 04:41AM
Alright, I'm really hoping to settle a heated discussion between my girlfriend and me. We often play Star Fluxx as a two person game and have always come to an agreement until this situation occurred. Please help!
Our active rules were Draw 1 and Play 2.
I drew and then played "Draw 2 and Use 'Em."
I put my hand down and drew two cards: Hand Limit 1 and Brain Transference.
I played Hand Limit 1 first. My girlfriend discarded her hand to one card.
Then I played Brain Transference. Brain Transference says "your turn ends immediately." Draw 2 and Use 'em says "this card, and all cards played because of it, count as one play".
The question is: does Draw 2 and Use 'Em (all cards count as one play) trump Brain Transference (your turn ends immediately) or vice versa?
Please bring peace and love back to our nerdy, debating household....
Posted by Greg Weston on September 04, 2015 at 09:10PM
So all 3 of the new Fluxx items are out now. I've happened across a card each for Batman and Adventure Time. I've seen another AT card - the Wish Orb - as well as a creeper called Con Crud (paired with the Dice) online. Anyone want to speculate - or say outright if you're in the know - when they might be in the online store?
Posted by Don Del Grande on September 04, 2015 at 03:45PM
If the goal is "Bank Robbery In Progress," does the Villain have to be in front of the player with The Bat Signal and The Bank (like it does with "Backed Into a Corner!"), or can it be in front of any player (like it can with"Crime Spree")?
Posted by Don Del Grande on September 04, 2015 at 03:43PM
When someone plays "The Arena," can a player choose a Keeper in his hand for the combat, or does it have to be one that has already been played?
Posted by Pat.G.B on August 27, 2015 at 05:39PM
Dear looneylabs,
Can NEW RULE cards that offer a "Free Action" as written on it, e.g. NEW RULE:Let's Keep Doing That, NEW RULE:Recycling, etc. have their effect cancelled by the SURPRISE:Stop That Action card?
See picture for an example.
Posted by Jason Donaldson on August 22, 2015 at 09:34PM
While having friends over for games we decided to play a round of Oz Fluxx. Halfway through the first round the Double Agenda New Rule was played and the next person, new to the game, went to place a goal. What followed was an argument that lead to us stopping play. She wondered if she had to play it as a second goal or could replace the current one. She read the rule card as saying that you can play a second goal. That the rule card doesn't stipulate that the next goal must be played as a second goal. Another player that had played many times disagreed and argued us out of playing. That the new rule card made so that you could not replace a goal until a second one had been placed.
I reach out for the knowledge of those not within my game group. A third arbiter to settle the dispute so we can go back to enjoying an amazing game.
Posted by Bill Reddick on August 22, 2015 at 05:19AM
We were playing with this deck tonight and I used the bonus card APTWE. this card says " If any two players each have a Keeper needed to win by the current goal, the game ends with both players being the winners. If not, draw 2 cards.". I had one Keeper for the goal and my wife had the other Keeper, along with the "Marceline" Keeper that says "Creepers do not prevent you from winning". We both had the Creepers in front of us.
I said we both won as Marceline negates the Creepers played. My son says only my wife did because she had the card and it only applies to her.
Who is right?
Posted by projectneptune on August 21, 2015 at 10:42PM
Hello all,
I recently started playing Star Fluxx with my roommates and we love the game! We play it pretty competitively and naturally there's some disagreement over certain cards and rules. I'm on mobile so please forgive any formatting issues or incorrect text.
1. Can you draw/play in any order?
2. Where does Wormhole fall with respect to #1? Can you wormhole before/during/after either phase?
3. If a Draw X / Play X are on the table, do you HAVE to draw / play exactly X? The wording "if you have fewer than X cards, play them all" tells me yes but I've read differing opinions on these forums.
4. Get On With It! - this card reads "Before your final Play, you may place your hand in the discard pile and draw 3 new cards. Your turn ends immediately."
Posted by Glenn Osburn on August 20, 2015 at 05:48PM
12 decks, all shuffled together. Best part is, I won and don't have to help sort them back.
Posted by stevie rae coyle on August 06, 2015 at 12:52AM
So first time playing last night and my friend finds this evil lil loop hole combo. If you have batmobile and batarang you can keep playing for ever. It is even worse if you have the dice going also.
Batmoble says you may discard this card to take an extra turn after the current turn.
Batarang says once durning your turn you may put this back in your hand to take any card oitbof the diacardvpile and place it atop the draw pile
Posted by Jean-Marie on August 01, 2015 at 09:29PM
I'm currently working on designing two Fluxx sets for fun and I have many more projects to come. Here is a small teaser about what to expect
1/ New Horizons set
To celebrate the NASA New Horizons program and encounter with Pluto after a 10 years and 3 billion miles journey, I had the idea to create a small Fluxx set. 20 cards so far and here are some
Pluto, Charon, New Horizons, Cthulhu Regio, Fungi of Yuggoth, Clyde Tombaugh's Ashes, Nyx & Hydra, Nasa, Pluto's Heart, ...
Nightmares from Beyond (Charon + Fungi of Yuggoth), The Final Encounter (Pluto + Charon + New Horizons), Lovecraft Was Right (Pluto or Fungi of Yuggoth + Cthulhu Regio), Farewell Pluto (Pluto + Sun), Celestial Ballet (Charon + Nyx & Hydra), As Far As The Eye Can See (Nasa + New Horizons), 'Til Death Do Us Unite (Clyde Tombaugh's Ashes + Pluto), etc.
2/ Prehistoric Fluxx
Just to be clear, it's an absurd, Monty Python inspired humour, crazy and unhinged, absolutely NOT a serious set, since Fluxx is so much fun, I don't want to create serious expansions. The crazier the better.
So, even though "man" (or whatever close to being close man) and dinosaurs never met nor lived in the same time period (men came some 65 million years later), I don't care and this set should be considered Prehistoric Fluxx in its largest meaning (in history, Prehistory ends with the invention of writing as the expression of an articulated and organized language, and is immediately followed by Antiquity). Therefore, whether we speak of Dinosaurs or Homo Sapiens, it's still called Prehistory.
Here are some (silly and stupid) samples
Man, Woman, Parents, Mace, Silex, Lightning Bolt, Tribe Drums, Cave, Groar Grumpf Aaaarghhh!!!, Volcano, T-Rex, Sabrethooth Tiger, Wooly Mammoth, Pterodactyl, Shark, Fur, Asteroïd, Bones, Paintings, etc.
Invention of Divorce (Woman + Mace), Invention of Heavy Metal (Groar Grumpf Aaaarghhh!!! + Tribe Drums), Invention of Epilation (Woman + Silex), Invention of Fire (Lightning Bolt + any Tree), Invention of Jogging (T-Rex or Sabretooth Tiger + Man), Invention of Mother-in-Law (Woman + Parents), Invention of Troubles (Man + Woman), etc.
So far, I have nearly 60 cards made, but I still need to play those sets and add images since I'd like to avoid any copyrighted image.
Hope more people around here will soon add their own creations and share them with the community...
Cheers from France
Posted by David Lambert on July 21, 2015 at 02:32PM
The press release linked above says the following:
> Popular card game Cards Against Humanity announced this morning that they will be hosting a concert and comedy show during Gen Con this year, with live performances by Molly Lewis, The Doubleclicks, Paul and Storm, Cameron Esposito, Kumail Nanjiani, and more.
> The concert, which will take place Friday, July 31st at the Murat, Indianapolis’s largest theater, is expected to sell out.
> Tickets start at $40 and are available now at
. then goes on to say this:
> All attendees of the concert will receive a swag bag with show exclusives and new products from Cards Against Humanity, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Magic: The Gathering, Fluxx, Greater Than Games, and Maxistentialism.
So I'm wondering if this swag is something that will ONLY be available to concert attendees (Max of Cards Against Humanity indicated yesterday in a tweet that CAH will be giving away their new "Reject Pack 2" there, and "then literally never give it out ever again"), or is it just an early copy of stuff that will be available to buy soon after (i.e., Batman Fluxx or Adventure Time Fluxx or Fluxx Dice)?
Inquiring minds want to know! :)
Posted by stevie rae coyle on July 20, 2015 at 04:21PM
The money from my summer launch kit just got returned to my account why is that??
Posted by Jean-Marie on July 16, 2015 at 10:25PM
Could anyone please tell me where I cant purchase this expansion ?
Fluxx: International TableTop Day Expansion
By the way, I'm still looking for some Foam Brain Promo cards and a few other ones
- Cake
- Coffee Break
- Double Agenda
- Nuclear War
- Reverse Order
- The 100,000 Years Old Game From Mars
- The Bakery
- The Desert
- The Robot
- Too Sleep Or Not To Sleep
- X = X + 1
I'm looking for them in their promo version.
I have many promo for trade, so should there be anyone who would have ny of those promo cards for trade or sale, please contact me.
Cheers from France,
Posted by Garrick Glickenhouse on June 22, 2015 at 08:35PM
Similar to a previous thread, I was wondering what fonts are used on the newer versions (5.0, Holiday, Regular Show, etc.).
As far as I can tell, the font for the name bar and text is "Auto", but I can't figure out the fonts for the card types.
Posted by Justin Lee on June 19, 2015 at 01:08AM
To All Fluxx Fanatics:
Wow, it's been WAY too long since I've last been here. Anyways, I have an interesting idea revolving around an expanded version of the original line of Fluxx. My original discussion on Fluxx Deluxx can be seen here:
Fluxx Deluxx is simply the original version of Fluxx (version 4.0 in this case), combined with various additional cards printed in the past. These extra cards are either cards found in other editions of Fluxx, or promos printed out over the years.
This time around, I decided to restrict myself from importing cards from other editions (save for 2 goal cards), and to keep the custom made cards to a minimum. I JUST bought Fluxx 5.0, Star Fluxx, Oz Fluxx & Cthulhu Fluxx not too long ago, & trying to import various Actions & New Rules from all of the other Fluxx games out there would result in Fluxx Deluxx having a VERY lage deck size. With that being said, here is my proposed card list for Fluxx Deluxx 2.0! (140 cards in total)
Actions (28)
- All 22 Actions found in 4.0
- Draw Four, Scatter 'Em (Custom)
- Pandora's Box (Promo)
- Press Your Luck (Promo)
- Rock-Paper-Scissors Showdown (5.0)
- Time Vortex (Promo)
- Zap A Card! (5.0, Promo)
New Rules (28)
- Draw 2, 3, 4, 5
- Play 2, 3, 4, All
- Hand Limit 0, 1, 2
- Keeper Limit 2, 3, 4
- Bonuses: No Hand, Party, Poor, Rich
- Free Action Rules: Get On With It!, Goal Mill, Mystery Play, Recycling, Swap Plays For Draws
-Numeral Modifiers: Inflation, One Two Five
- Misc: Double Agenda, First Play Random, Silver Lining
Keepers (27)
- All 19 Keepers found in 4.0
- Coffee (2.0)
- Doughnuts (2.0)
- Music (5.0)
- Pyramid (1.0, 2.0)
- Computer (The) (Counts as Music, Television or the Toaster. Has the same powers as the
2007 promo version)
- Flowers (Counts as Love or Death)
- Star (The) (Counts as the Sun, the Moon, or the Cosmos)
- Tarts (Counts as Doughnuts, Cookies or Bread. Also counts as a food Keeper)
Creepers (5)
- Death
- Radioactive Potato
- Taxes
- Traitor (The)
- War
Goals (56)
- All 29 Goals found in 4.0
- Afterlife (The) (Custom)
- Bakery (The) (2001 Promo)
- Bread & Chocolate (5.0)
- Can't Buy Me Love (5.0)
- Cheese Shop (Monty Python Fluxx)
- Chrononauts (2002 Promo)
- Conflict Is Costly (Custom)
- Coffee & Doughnuts (2.0)
- Coffee Break (2001 Promo)
- Day Dreams (5.0)
- Desert (The) (2001 Promo)
- Eye of the Beholder (5.0)
- Great Seal (The) (2.0)
- Great Theme Song (5.0)
- Icehouse (2001 Promo)
- Lattee (Custom)
- Lullaby (5.0)
- Money (No Taxes) (2.0)
- Nuclear War (2001 Promo)
- Party Time! (5.0)
- Snack Time (Stoner Fluxx)
- The TV Watches You (1997 Promo)
- To Sleep Or Not To Sleep (2003 Promo)
- Turn It Up! (5.0)
- Warm Cookies (Custom)
- World Peace (5.0)
- Zombies Eat Brains (2007 Promo)
Custom Card Info
- Draw Four, Scatter 'Em (
Look towards the bottom of this page. It's an action from the prototype deck of Fluxx.
- Afterlife (The): A goal card combining Death & the Cosmos.
- Conflict is Costly: A goal card combining War & Taxes
- Latte: A goal card combining Coffee & Milk
- Warm Cookies: A goal card combining Cookies & the Toaster.
Let me know what you think. :3
Posted by Joseph Keenan on June 10, 2015 at 06:19PM
I'm running a game of Zombie Fluxx at a convention out here in Ohio come October. My girl friend is a member of a (charity) haunted house and we will be missing a weekend of acting to go to the con.
I've got a hook to drawl players into playing :). The attachment is from a zombie run that took place in the spring. Zombie Fluxx with a zombie two weeks before Halloween, how much better does it get? I have it listed as an event but I am pretty sure that I should be able to find a few people to play some pick up games of Zombie and Space Fluxx.
The good thing about Fluxx is also one of the draw backs, at least when trying to schedule time for it. I've had games be won in ten minutes and other ones go on to have to reshuffle the deck once or twice.
I have allowed myself two hours at the table to play. I figure that should be at least enough to play twice, even allowing for questions during game play.
Usually the cards are pretty good with the instructions. Of course I can't think of an example at the moment.... But one or two of the cards have some ambiguity to them. When playing with friends if we can't figure out just how a card should be played I let everyone at the table play it and we vote. I'm thinking of allowing this house rule at the convention. Any thoughts?
Posted by Glenn Osburn on June 08, 2015 at 07:44PM
So we were playing Fluxx with the Zombie and Pirate decks mixed up (we never play just one deck anymore) and my youngest (of course) pointed out that NOWHERE on the Zombie Creepers does it say "You can't win if you have this card". It doesn't really come into play until you mix decks, but the Creeper factor is included on the goal cards in ZF, not on the Creepers themselves. Mind blown.
Posted by Angie Cabrera on May 03, 2015 at 11:32PM
Could someone provide an accurate descriptor for these cards?
Poison card- I've tried to explain how it's supposed to work but don't seem to make headway on it. I said it's supposed to protect the beings (Keepers) that can be EATEN. If YOU have it with "edible" creatures, you are protected...that person with the 'predator' card can't win.......Odd example: you have Frogs, Insects, and Poison and the Goal is Frogs eat you get to win or are the insects protected with the poison?
Camoflage card...I know it's only ONE Keeper per player....But....If you choose to 'camo' a Keeper you just drew, you can but will have to reveal whatever other Keeper you may have had 'Camo'ed'...correct?
Posted by Greg Weston on April 28, 2015 at 01:58AM
I've got a near-complete set of Fluxx variants and decided the time had come to move them out of their retail boxes into a good case for organization and portability. It's also got Chrononauts in it, so I don't know if I should refer to it as my Fluxx Capacitor or my Looney Bin. Anyway...
To help me keep things straight, I created some dividers from my own scans of the box art and the card lists available online. As I got into this task, I thought maybe other people would like it too, so the collection is now online at this page. Hope you find it useful. Feedback appreciated.
Posted by Angie Cabrera on April 24, 2015 at 05:16AM
This one is majorly funny to play. I've taken the "let's pause for a moment' cards out as I don't mess with the stuff....but the game is still hilarious to play. But I have a question about the Moocher. If all the w%#d is removed...does the Moocher go, too? I don't think has to be by one of the creeper sweeper cards, I believe. The player with the Moocher is stuck until the discard pile is reshuffled....
Posted by Dave Autzen on April 22, 2015 at 07:08PM
Bought this for my wife's ipad a few days ago, and I must say it's the best $2.99 I've ever spent! Granted, I'd rather be playing face-to-face, but it's still a blast!
Posted by stevie rae coyle on April 20, 2015 at 07:02PM
i have all the fluxx's sets but one, i'm on the look out for a set of family fluxx to complete my collection, if you have any word on where i can find one i would love you for ever. i have checked EBAY and the only one i found was 80 dollars : (
Posted by Mark L. Pranger on April 04, 2015 at 07:38AM
We had a situation come up during play this evening. I have looked over the forums for an answer but didn't see one so I am posting it.
The card was played where all beings were sent back up to their players hands unless the Teleport chamber was in play which all the beings went over to that player. One being had a creep attached to it. So the question came up does the creeper stay with the being thus ending up in play for the player with the teleport chamber? or Does it the creeper stay in front of the original owner of the player as the being is "diverted" to the other players hand during the process of returning to the hand but the creeper does not go and stays with that original player?
Posted by Ayisha Oglivie on March 25, 2015 at 03:23AM
Hi some of my New York City artsy friends which I've taught how to play fluxx and I have what we think is a great idea for a new deck. Is there a way to submit ideas like this?
Ayisha Oglivie
Posted by Angie Cabrera on March 10, 2015 at 05:38AM
With Fluxx 5.0, I'm having a problem interpreting this one clearly:
When Player A plays this one, they get to go through the discard pile and play either an Action (blue) card or a New Rule (yellow) card of their choosing, retaining the order of the discard pile. The card also states that anyone else can look through the discard pile (and at any time) which is in the FAQ's of the rules sheet.
Player B goes through the discard pile also and tries to pull out a card to play.
Question: This is not a legal move by Player B, is it? That is, he can't pull out a card and play it without another card >in his hand that he can play on his turn< that will let him do that....right? But he can look at the discard pile all he wants without messing up the order of the cards...correct? Only Player A, who played the LDTA card, can pull one out and play it.....right?
That's how I read it anyway.........
Posted by Marie-Josee Harpe on March 05, 2015 at 04:00AM
I play Oz Fluxx all the time with my daughter and many time we had a problem with the "Surprise Veto" card.
Let's say I'm changing the rule from play 1 card to "play all". At this time no one puts forth their "surprise Veto" card because they don't know what I'm about to do. So I continue to put down keepers, then a goal that makes me win. That's when the other person decides to put their "surprise Veto" card out of turn. Do I still win because they didn't put it right away when I put the new rule "play all", or do they prevent me from winning after I played many cards to meet the goal. That happened many time and I never know how to deal with it.
I appreciate your quick response so we can go on enjoying this awesome game
Posted by Kristen on March 04, 2015 at 03:13AM
Does anyone know of a place that may have a copy of Family Fluxx available. I thought I found one, but they just emailed me and said their stock was in error.
Posted by Ezra Ortiz on March 03, 2015 at 05:22AM
So, I'm having a discussion with my gf. The card Even Death May Die allows you to look through the discard pile and play either an action or a keeper... can I look through the discard pile before I play the card?
Posted by Lisa Jepson on January 27, 2015 at 12:25PM
Are there any plans for the official list of Fluxx promo cards (Wunderland) to be updated? Or does anyone have a complete list of promo cards? I'm trying to figure out which ones I'm missing :)
Posted by Atom G on January 25, 2015 at 04:37AM
If, for example, I have a doctor with brain parasites and my opponent has the energy being, does the Creeper keep me from stealing my opponents Keeper? Is this true of all Creepers/Keepers
Posted by Diana Carr on January 11, 2015 at 06:04PM
What happens when an action is blocked by a surprise card? Is the action card put into the discard pile? Does the blocked action count as a turn? What if the action is the time portal and the person playing it has the time traveler keeper in play? Does it go into the discard pile or does the player keep the action card as per the time traveler instructions?
Posted by Mark L. Pranger on January 10, 2015 at 07:26AM
While looking over my Holiday Fluxx and the Fruitcake item from the Holiday gift pack that counts as a Dessert or Gift, a question came up.
There are rules or actions throughout flux that affect keepers or are based on keepers being in play on the table. When another item has "counts as" such and such item comes into play, does it also activate the Rule or is affected by the action?
Clear the Table removes several items from play including Dessert. The Fruitcake counts as Dessert also, so is it cleared?
There is a rule that if gift is in play, you can do something specific. If the Fruitcake is in play that counts as the gift, is the rule activated?
I am sure if I looked hard enough, there would be other examples throughout the various Fluxx games.
My thought is that counts as means always count as for goals, rules, actions, etc. So Fruitcake would cleared by the table and the gift rule would be active.
Thanks in advance.
Posted by Rob on December 16, 2014 at 03:36PM
“Adds an interesting change of pace and
an exciting end-game element.”
Andrew Looney, designer of Fluxx
Here at Playniac, we're big fans of Fluxx and we've designed a new Meta Rule. It subtly shifts the gameplay in the end-game and - we believe - adds a lot of tension and excitement. It was inspired by a rule in the ancient game of Mahjong.
Download it for FREE here:
We hope you have fun playing this Meta Rule! Let us know how you get on in the comments below.
(Released with the kind permission of Looney Labs.)
Posted by Pat.G.B on December 02, 2014 at 06:04PM
This is on the table...
Goal: Getaway Driver - One Friend Keeper, One Car and no zombies.
Keeper: A Friend
Keeper: The Car
Rule: Dead Friends - All Friend Keepers in play are Zombie Creepers
Rule: Zombies Ain't So Bad - You can win with Zombies even if the goal says you can't.
Do I win?
My <Friend> is a zombie that <ain't so bad> so the no zombie on the goal is deactivated but does the <zombie friend> satisfy the one friend keeper requirement?
Posted by Evan Varga on December 02, 2014 at 12:12AM
Hi Team, has Pirate Fluxx queued up for 1100 CST Tuesday, December 2nd as a Cyber Monday sale. I'm going to check it out tomorrow morning!
Posted by Marie-Josee Harpe on November 17, 2014 at 01:29PM
I just bought the Oz fluxx (it made sense to buy this one since we live in Kansas and there is a cute theme for my two girls and they love the movie). This is my first time playing that kind of game and love it with a passion. I thought my daughter would have a hard time understanding but she picked it up pretty fast.
But I have one question. The Good Witch of the North Keeper says that on your turn you can move one of your Creepers to another player. Does this count as a Play or is it a free thing you can do on your turn? I assume the answer will be the same for the Tinman, the Winged monkeys, the falling house.
I've been advertising your fluxx game to my friends and family member.
Thank you for your quick answer.
Posted by Marie Hogg on November 16, 2014 at 03:36PM
I've only played Monty Python Fluxx twice but still can't figure out when does a Keeper card get played? The rules say to take it out of your hand and place it face up in front of you but doesn't indicate when you do that?
Posted by Pat.G.B on November 06, 2014 at 06:10PM
Is a "surprise card" considered an "action card" which can be played at any time?
In Pirate Fluxx, "Let's do that again" says to pick an action or rule from the discard pile and play it immediately. Could someone choose a surprise card (if considered an action card) from the discard pile.
This came up because in Star Fluxx, "What do you want" says to pick up an rule, action or surprise and play immediately.
Posted by David Lambert on November 03, 2014 at 05:29PM
I was playing Holiday Fluxx with some friends this past week, and we all enjoyed it, but the wording on one of the Goal cards came into question during one of the games.
The "Thanksgiving" goal says that you win with "3 or more of these on the table: The Roast, Side Dishes, Bread, Dessert, or Bubbly Beverages." The card does NOT specify that the items must be on the table as keepers belonging specifically to the winner. It just says "on the table."
One of our players tried to play that goal and claim the victory, even though he only had 1 of the five possible items as his own Keeper. He pointed to the fact that other players had other of the named items as keepers in front of them, so they were "on the table." The rest of us pointed out that by this logic, everyone with one of those named keepers ought to win (actually, that would have been everybody playing that round, except for me! <grin>). He claimed that he and only he should get the victory, since he was the one who played the goal. I pointed out two things to him:
1) If during any Fluxx game he played a Goal card that named keepers which another player had, then that person wins the round; it's in the rules. And that this would be no different: if he could win that round because he had some named keepers and other players had the rest of the named keepers, then so could the other players, making it a split victory. And that if he wanted to do that, it would be fine with me. But...
2) The intent of every other Goal card is that the same player have all the necessary Keepers to win, so that only one person gets the victory for that round (or else nobody does, in the case of Fluxx games which have "Ungoal" cards). That "shared victories" really aren't the intention, although I granted the point that perhaps there's a change now with "Holiday Fluxx," since Holidays are all about sharing. And I reiterated that I have no problem with shared victories, but I wondered what made him think that it might be the intent of THIS Goal card that "the table" didn't mean "a keeper on the table in front of you"?
He replied by revealing to the rest of us another card he had in his hand, "Clear the Table." The wording on this Action card is, "Discard all of the following cards that are currently on the table: Candy, Dessert, Side Dishes, Bread, The Roast, and Bubbly Beverages." He asked me if that card referred to just the Keepers in front of him, or to all the Keepers in play on the table, in front of all the various players. I admitted that I would play that one to mean "in front of all players." All the other players agreed with me on that. So the one player asked "what's the difference?"
I made life easier on all of us at that point by playing the Surprise card, "Cancelled Plans," discarding his Thanksgiving Goal so that the issue was moot. When my turn came up, I played two other cards and won the round. All legit, no questions asked. Nobody could complain. But the person who brought it up said that if there was a way I could get a "ruling" from the game's producers on what the intent is for the Thanksgiving card, then he'd love to hear it. :)
Just now I browsed through the deck and found a few other cards which mention "the table," but the only one which really seems to be in question with the wording would be the Thanksgiving goal:

Posted by David Lambert on October 25, 2014 at 11:38PM
Was out and about today with the family, and we stopped in to a hobby shop here in our town (Memphis). They had one copy of the new Holiday Fluxx left in stock, albeit with a torn front of the box (evidently a round sticker of some sort had been there, and it got pulled off, and there was a hole in the plastic shrinkwrap under it so when the sticker came off then part of the cover came with it).
Anyway, I picked it up for $13.99, and they had a "Mrs. Claus" promo card to go with it, so I got that too (along with a videogame book my son wanted). Here's a picture:

Posted by Lucas Hanson on October 24, 2014 at 05:02PM
Have you signed up to receive the Looney Labs holiday gift yet? We will mail it out to you for free, but you have to go fill out this webform and request a copy... Please tell your friends!
Posted by Daniel Goerner on October 24, 2014 at 05:09AM
What are the conditions for this goal, since I don't find "Earth" among the keepers in the cards list (like the goal "Peace on Earth" from the Holiday 2005 Promo Cards)?
Posted by Alyssa Nguyen on October 22, 2014 at 06:29AM
So... I know about the "That's No Mummy" and the "Monster Mash" reprints. Is one planned for the "Werewolf Hunting" goal, which asks for a Werewolf keeper rather than the Wolfman?
Another more minor issue is the fact that there are now two versions of "The Moon Is Full...": the one in Monster Fluxx, which calls for the Wolfman keeper and the Moon keeper, and the Are You A Werewolf? promo card, which calls for the Werewolf creeper and the Moon keeper.
Posted by M S on October 11, 2014 at 01:53AM
Seems the FAQ is still down; I know a few of these have been asked before, but I thought I'd ask here anyway since the responses point to a borked page. I've been playing Fluxx for years (since v1.0!) and never had any issues with rules I couldn't work out, but I'm new to Star Fluxx. I've got to say it's definitely my favorite of those I've played, the others being Stoner and Zombie. So much complexity and fun stuff in this version. I'm a bit of a rule geek and I want to understand exactly how things should go down. Thanks in advance and sorry if I missed any answers out there.
1. How exactly does one follow the 'draw' rule - do all the draws happen at once or are they taken one at a time until the rule is satisfied? We had a situation where my wife had only the computer in play with just the basic rules. Her first draw was malfunction, which attached to her computer. Should she just draw one additional card to replace the malfunction or should she have drawn two cards at once originally? Then, what if her _second_ draw had been Malfunction? Would she follow the replace text on Malfunction and draw another card or not draw since she'd fulfilled the draw rule?
2. Then, can a player Wormhole before I draw? Or in between draws?
3. Can the Expendable Crewman take the place of things that couldn't legally target it? If Player A has the Scientist and Player B has Energy Being and Expendable Crewman, if Player A tries to steal the Being, does Crewman get taken instead?
I'm a bit confused as to exactly how to end turns, the last two questions deal with that:
4. In a two player game with Keeper Limit 1, it's Player A's turn and she has two keepers in play, then plays Brain Transference. When does the limit kick in, if ever in this case? Does player B inherit her position with two keepers on his turn, therefore keeping both?
5. In a two player game with Keeper Limit 1, it's Player A's turn and both players have one keeper in play. Player A plays Cute Fuzzy Alien. Does she have to discard a keeper at the end of her turn? Or does the Fuzzy Alien hop over to Player B and he has to discard one, since it's not his turn? Or does the Alien hop over at the same time the turn ends, therefore letting Player B start his turn with both?
Posted by Jeff Wolfe on October 07, 2014 at 06:49AM
We had a situation come up this weekend that I don't think I've seen before.
Player A plays "Draw 2 and Use 'em". He draws a Keeper and a Surprise. He plays the Keeper first. Player B plays "That's Mine!" out of turn to steal the Keeper.
Question 1: Could Player A take that Surprise that's waiting to be played for "Draw 2 and Use 'em" and play it instead to cancel the Surprise that Player B played? It kind of seems like he shouldn't be able to do that, because the Surprise is not in his hand (his hand has been set aside); it's sort of in some special limbo waiting to be played by "Draw 2 and Use 'em".
Question 2: In the same situation, could Player A play a Surprise from his (set aside) hand to cancel Player B's Surprise? We actually encountered the situation in Question 1, but it got me to wondering about this related question of if a player could retrieve his set-aside hand long enough to play a Surprise if needed.
Posted by Jim Alexander on October 06, 2014 at 02:47PM
Anyone know where I might be able to find a copy of Fluxx 2.0 or 2.1? Thank you.
Posted by Jim Alexander on October 01, 2014 at 01:35PM
Hello. While I just joined, I have been playing Fluxx since February 2004 -- having been introduced to it at Ubercon III around 9:30 PM on the evening of Saturday, Feb. 28th. More than 8 of the next 20 hours involved intense Fluxx-play, including a 4-hour marathon session which ran well into the night (during which I did not win a single hand, but nonetheless thoroughly enjoyed myself) .
I promptly acquired my first deck (Fluxx 3.0), subsequently introducing it to family and friends at home.
Last year I did an online search and was surprised to find an updated version (4.0), as well as multiple other versions. I currently own (or have ordered and am awaiting) 11 decks: 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, Martian, Star, Pirate, Eco, Monty Python, Cartoon Network, Regular Show, Holiday.
This past Labor Day we played 11-rounds of various versions with some family at a get-together. Since then, two of my cousins have purchased multiple decks to play with their families. The downside to such is that (sadly) now that everyone has their own decks, they can play amongst themselves, and I rarely get invited to play. :(
While Star (and Martian) are my favorites (because of the themes), I enjoy all of the versions I've owned which I've thus-far played. I have also acquired several blanxx sets, from which I've made many additions which I've incorporated into two decks (4.0 and Monty Python).
I'm very appreciative for such a great game.
Posted by Robbie Jay Stanfield on September 28, 2014 at 05:11PM
Ok, first of all hello and thanks for letting me join you guys! I am new to this fan club, but am very excited! I love this game. I have a few requests from you all. First order of business:
Is is Fluxxes or Fluxxi?
Kind of a joke but I am a little serious. Second does anyone have a suggestion on any of the other games these fine people have brought us? I've Played Zombie, Star, CN, Stoner, Oz, Monty, Cthulhu. That's it. No other games by LL.
And thirdly, but definitely not least, what have your guys' rules been when you get a blank booster pack? By that I mean rules, goals, actions, ect. And is there surprises in the blank booster?
***Spoiler Alert***
Off topic, I was a little disappointed to find out that CN Fluxx does not have any Creepers! Why is that? They definitely have the characters for it. Also that there is no Adventure Time Fluxx by itself. That'd be awesome.
Posted by Yeraze on September 23, 2014 at 12:56PM
Hi all.. i just got Star Fluxx over the weekend, and my kids & I have clocked a dozen games or so so far.. love it!
But I've got some questions about the rules I can't find anywhere else, so I thought I'ld ask here:
1) The Cute Fuzzy Alien - Does it continue to follow the active player around the table, if it gets brain parasites?
2) Keepers with Actions, can you activate the action immediately upon playing the card? Or on the next turn?
3) Under what condition does the Teleporter's "You may transfer one of your keepers to another player" do the player any good?
Posted by Evan Varga on September 01, 2014 at 04:50PM
Hi Team,
Just a quick question-- will The Regular Show Future Promo Pack, which is marketed with Regular Show Fluxx, work with the Mordeci and Rigby in the CN Fluxx deck? Basically, will this promo work with the CN Network deck?
Posted by Evan Varga on August 20, 2014 at 01:40AM
Hi All,
I traveled to my FLGS, friendly but not so local-- it is one hour away-- game store today. To my surprise, I found a copy of Martian Fluxx. I just had to have it on this trip into town. This adds to my fluxx collection as follows:
1 copy of Fluxx 4.0
3 copies of Monster Fluxx
1 copy of Martian Fluxx
Not too shabby, huh? Now I'm on the lookout for CN Fluxx, Regular Show Fluxx, and either Chrononauts or Back to the Future. I'm thrilled that my Pokemon-loving children are willing to play these games with dear old dad.
Posted by Ryan Hackel on August 11, 2014 at 01:54PM
Are you sure that the No-Hand Bonus in Cartoon Network Fluxx "replaces Keeper Limit"? I suspect that this is a typo.
Posted by Yusof Bandar on August 09, 2014 at 11:10AM
Posted by Yusof Bandar on August 04, 2014 at 08:27PM
Posted by Daniel Goerner on July 26, 2014 at 11:15AM
Will you update the page? I was wondering what the fonts for Cthulhu and Oz Fluxx headers were.
Posted by Yusof Bandar on July 12, 2014 at 08:21PM
I was wondering can anyone scan a high res photo of the robodoc card from star fluxx
Posted by Yusof Bandar on July 12, 2014 at 08:11PM
I was wondering did starfluxx come with any promo cards
Posted by David Lambert on July 12, 2014 at 11:35AM
It looks like we've got 3 new decks coming out for Fluxx this year: Regular Show deck in July, then in August is the Target exclusive Cartoon Network deck, then in October is the Holiday Fluxx deck as another general release.
Is there anything currently else in-the-works? When I first became a fan of Fluxx, I saw - and still see - that the WikiPedia entry for Fluxx mentions a "Wild West Fluxx" version in development; whatever happened to that? Soooo many possibilities there!
My main worry about the new decks coming out is that I've never caught Regular Show, nor has anyone else in my home, nor - to my knowledge - has any of the friends I play Fluxx with. I have every other Fluxx deck made, but I don't know if I'll keep that "completeness" up now since it would practically be a waste of money. Why would any of us play a deck themed around a TV show we never watch? The general CN one, with characters from a bunch of shows (including ones my friends and I have all watched) is a cinch, but the other? I dunno.
Posted by Daniel Goerner on July 10, 2014 at 04:27AM
I'm interested in the cards that were dropped until version 4.0, so it would be awesome if someone who has versions 1 to 3.1 could post pictures or at least the texts of the following cards:
Lose a Turn
Pilfer the Trash
Scramble Keepers
Security Breach
Trash Hand Limit
Trash Keeper Limit
I Need a Goal
Brain Bonus
Eye Bonus
Secret Data
Tax Bonus
Money Bonus
Keeper Shortage
Money (no Taxes)
(These are the cards I could not find pictures of)
Posted by Daniel Goerner on June 30, 2014 at 07:18AM
I was wondering, when you redesigned Fluxx for the Target version, did you decide to leave out the Creepers before or after the illustrations were made? Did Michael Hays make illustrations for the Creepers, as well as Peace and Cosmos? And if so, can we see them?
Posted by Yusof Bandar on June 29, 2014 at 03:25PM
I was playing fluxx with my friends and we all had a question. On the table there was the double agenda rule, one goal and someone had the radioactive potato
It was my go and I added a new goal, double agenda allows me to add another goal.
But this is where the problems started, do we pass on the radioactive potato.
I said no because we are not changing the goal we are adding to it. But some other people said we are
can anyone clarify?
I was wondering most keepers have abilities in Star Fluxx such as the Unseen Force, is using one of these abilities counted as a play.
Posted by Chris Morton on June 24, 2014 at 01:08AM
"Get On With It" (GOWI)
"Cute Fuzzy Alien Creature" (CFAC)
Given the exact wording from the two cards written out below. When I use the GOWI rule to discard my hand and I have the CFAC Keeper in my hand, does the CFAC go
a) to the discard pile with the rest of my hand,
b) to the top of the draw pile BEFORE I draw my New Hand of 3 cards, or
c) to the top of the draw pile AFTER I draw my New Hand of 3 cards?
"Get On With It" (GOWI) New Rule Card:
(At any time before your final Play, you may discard your entire hand and draw a new hand of 3 cards. This is a free action but if you take it, your turn ends immediately.)
"Cute Fuzzy Alien Creature" (CFAC) Keeper Card:
(Any time this card goes into the discard pile, move it to the top of the draw pile instead.)
If a) then it would be completely ignoring the text on the CFAC card, so I'm pretty sure this is not the answer, but I include it as an option just in case.
If b) then my New Hand would include the CFAC card and therefore not be a completely New Hand but would be two new cards and the CFAC.
If c) then my wife will be very happy because she will have once again proven me wrong.
Thank you for any feedback.
Posted by Doug Ford on June 23, 2014 at 06:10PM
Hi Folks -
I am relatively new to Fluxx.. but I love the game and want to share it with as many people as possible.
But I would like to get a clarification on some rules..
The rule sheet says the first 2 steps are:
1) Draw a Card
2) Play a Card
When a person plays a Rule Change card, let's say, Draw 3.
The player gets to draw 2 more cards. Correct?
If the above scenario is correct, how can that be correct?
Why should a person who plays a card, get to draw again? The draw phase has already been performed. So essentially the person Draws - Plays - Draws again.
I am just looking for clarification... If I need to explain myself further... please ask.
Posted by Dave Autzen on June 11, 2014 at 03:44PM
So, another Target exclusive Fluxx game. No problem with that.
My question is, will it have the same SKU # as Target Fluxx and Monster Fluxx? Meaning that stores won't put it on sale until those other ones are sold out?
Kind of irrelevant at this point, since there's not even a release date yet, right? I'm just wanting to know if it will be simpler for me to just order it from the LL store when it eventually gets there, as opposed to multiple trips to Target...
Posted by Neta Tropp on April 18, 2014 at 12:25PM
Regarding the "Walk the Plank" action:
1. Does the Captain help choose who gets to walk the plank, or does he get to choose another person? Can he choose the same person who was chosen by whoever played the action?
2. Can someone make the Captain walk the plank?
Posted by Danny Chamberlin on March 25, 2014 at 10:34PM
OK, I saw an earlier thread about the Traitor and Cthulhu Fluxx - one thing that wasn't addressed (that I could see) happened the other night.
I had The Cultist out and one of the other players had the Traitor. We met the conditions for the Dunwich Horror, and some discussion ensued.
We decided that The Cultist won for two reasons:
1) From game mechanics, the text of the Traitor only refers to GOALS and not UNGOALS
2) In the context of the spirit of the Cthulhu mythos, everyone INCLUDING the Traitor EXCEPT the Cultist is now bugnuts insane and loses...
Does that sound right?
Posted by Christopher Smith on March 22, 2014 at 11:22AM
Today is the day that I finally bought Fluxx the Board Game, and after realizing that it would be possible to take three copies of the game to make a 5x5 board, I started thinking about how other versions would work. Since the first Fluxx deck I ever got was the zombie one, that ended up being the first one I thought of.
Now, it would be perfectly possible to simply change the tiles and goal and leaper cards, but it just didn't seem like something that would make for a good adaptation. Zombies are supposed to chase after you. They are supposed to interfere with fulfilling goals. They are supposed to have a chance of winning themselves. So here are some ways to try to mix zombies into the board game version of Fluxx, with differing levels of modification.
Level 1: Zombie Player
Required Additions: none
Basically, if you have only 2 or 3 players, you can use a remaining color for a zombie player. The zombie player doesn't get cards or take turns, but you may move one of the zombie player's pieces instead of your own when you use a move. You can bump another player's pieces as well as your own with the zombie player.
When using this level, you may want to decide whether the zombie player can fulfill goals or not. If you allow the zombie player to do so, then no player should be considered the winner if the zombie player wins. If you do so and also use two zombie players when you only have two normal players, decide if both zombie player add their goals together or if their separate colors count as one for obtaining goals.
This provides an interesting way to use other colors when you have less than 4 players.
Level 2: Infectious Zombies
Required Additions: extra pieces for zombies (might I suggest black pyramids?)
Extra pieces that you move and treat like any other piece can be boring, so let's try spicing it up with infectious zombies for an outbreak. For this level, we use the idea of the zombie player who can collect goals, but there are a few differences. First of all, we'll have the zombie player only have one piece at the beginning. Second, the zombies can't move into spaces without an occupancy limit, but they can be bumped into one. Third, we don't let zombies simply bump other pieces anymore, we'll have them infect.
How does infecting work? Instead of moving into the occupied space, the zombie stays right where it is. The infected piece is placed onto the start tile and a new zombie piece is placed where it used to be. Zombies and pieces in spaces without occupancy limits cannot be infected.
Now with this level, zombies can be used to easily get an opponent away from the spaces for a goal, but you have to watch out that the zombies don't become too numerous. As they grow in number, they can more easily accomplish goals, leading to a zombie victory where none of the players win.
When using this level, consider allowing the first rule changes at the beginning of the game being able to add extra starting zombies. If you want to have a chance to fight zombies, consider having any zombies that would be moved back to start through bumping or leaper cards be removed from the board instead (with the exception of the last zombie on the board).
Level 3: New Rules for Zombies
Required Additions: As above, plus something to keep track of rules with
With cards like "Reset a Rule", "Player's Choice", and others, it is possible to have new rule cards affect zombies. Here are a couple of ideas for what these rules could be.
Hunger: Infect/Start/Bump/Harmless (Can knock a zombie down from infecting to sending a player to start to simply bumping to not even being able to bump at all)
Killable: No/Start/Octagon/Bump (start out not being able to kill them, then able to kill them by sending them to the start tile, then to being able to kill them by sending them to any space without an occupancy limit, and then to simply bumping them)
Zombie Move: 0/1/2/3 (while you are able to use your own moves to move a zombie, these are additional moves that are required to be done, and can only be done with a zombie)
While we're here, I might as well mention that while this can be done without adding anymore new rule cards, such cards would still be a good idea.
Level 4: True Zombie Fluxx the Board Game
Required Additions: As above, plus new custom tiles and cards
At this level, we're going to have to start incorporating zombies into the tiles and cards. This is where you should have tiles with weapon spaces and any piece occupying one of those weapon spaces can kill a zombie in a space next to them, or maybe any zombie on the same tile. You could also have goals take zombies into account by having "I'll Hold Them Off" require you to have your piece on the shotgun space be infected by a zombie. Another goal could require another player's piece to be infected while one of your pieces occupies a certain space.
Anyway, I hope some of you enjoy these ideas. I haven't had the chance to try them yet as I haven't even gotten to try the game without these modifications yet (why does the boardgames = boring stereotype have to persist?).
Posted by Dave Autzen on February 28, 2014 at 05:13PM
I understand the retailer kit for this year's Tabletop Day is going to have a Fluxx promo card.
Is it a new promo card? If so, will it be available after that day in the online store?
Posted by James Mitchell on February 24, 2014 at 05:16PM
Ok, so first of all, I just want to say hello to everyone. I'm new here, and new to the game. I was just wondering how everybody got into Fluxx, and what their first game of Fluxx was (for example Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, Eco Fluxx etc.)
For me, it was going around a friends house last Wednesday to have a few beers, chat, and play computer games. Anyway, my friend, his wife, and I were just talking about music, when he turned to her and asked if she thought it was time for computer games, or something called Star Fluxx.
Needless to say, we ended up playing Star Fluxx. And may I just say, WOW! I have not had that much fun from a card game in a long time.
The next day I ordered a copy of Monty Python Fluxx (as being a Brit, I love Monty Python), and yesterday I ordered my copy of... eh hmm... Stoner Fluxx.
It is pretty safe to say that I can see myself buying a copy of each system of the game in the future. Or as soon as the next part of my student loan comes through. :-)
Posted by Jason Exum on February 22, 2014 at 02:10AM
Posted by Tamfang on February 20, 2014 at 10:11AM
Please clarify Belay That.
"During your turn: All other players must discard one Action, or a random card, from their hands."
Does this mean they have a choice between discarding an Action and letting someone else pick at random?
(Similarly for Canceled Plans.)
Posted by Jason Exum on February 17, 2014 at 09:57AM
Greetings fellow San Diego fans of Looney Labs! I was wondering if any of you were planning to attend one [or more] of the TableTop Day 2014 events on Saturday, April 5th?
I am planning to attend the event at the Stone Brewing Co. location at Liberty Center [Point Loma], but there are also events at the Stone Brewery in Escondido [North County] and at the Game Empire in Kearny Mesa. It would be great to get in a game or two of Fluxx, or perhaps play the sadly out-of-print Back To The Future game. Of course, I am very interested in trying out all of the other Looney Labs games I've never played yet - Chrononauts, any of the Pyramids games, Fluxx TBG, Loonacy, Are You A Traitor?, Choose One - I'm up for playing them all!
Info on all of the planned TableTop Day locations around the world can be found HERE:
Posted by Dan Payes on February 06, 2014 at 04:26AM
Posted by stevie rae coyle on January 30, 2014 at 02:56PM
it is really hard to play with promos under a black light they glow under uv where as the other cards do not i wounder why that is.
also they seem to be different size also, i wounder if no one has taken the time to notice this or if im just a dork
Posted by David Montalvo on January 26, 2014 at 05:03AM
In Cthulhu Fluxx, if a player plays the card "Dreams and Omens" and picks up a Creeper within the cards he is to deal to everyone, does the player get the creeper automatically, or does he get to deal it to another player?
Posted by GCNZ on January 20, 2014 at 06:48PM
Hi, if you have had Scurvy for a turn already and you give it away, does that count as a play? And if you want to get rid of the Shackles by discarding a booty keeper, does that count as a play? thanks.
Posted by Alison Frane on January 17, 2014 at 07:30PM
Hello Folks,
We just got an email from a fan pursuing an MA in eLearning. One of her assignments was to modify a Fluxx deck. Since she teaches English in Kuwait, she made up a version aimed at English language learners, which she then played with her own students.
The video is a little long, but it's quite interesting what she did with it. I thought folks might like to check it out:
Posted by Tamfang on January 13, 2014 at 08:48PM
Suppose "Play 4" and "Get On With It" are in force, and I (after my draw) have only three cards in my hand. After I play my three, since 3 is fewer than 4, may I still invoke Get On With It? Or is my turn over when I've played all my cards, even if that's fewer than the required number?
Posted by Alison Frane on January 07, 2014 at 09:54PM
I was going through the email responses we got back from our Holiday Gift emailing, and Josh Mattingly included this note:
> Also, my friends and I made up the following Fluxx card:
> T-rex Arms
> Draw +1 Play +1 if you played the previous round with your hands against your chest.
This reminded me of the incident from a couple of years ago, which pretty much made my day all over again:
I really did get up and do a tiny-arm-t-rex dance, and really enjoyed it, and I think this Rule would be a hilarious addition to any Fluxx deck, because I think it would be totally fun to have to play Fluxx holding your arms up to your chest, having to awkwardly lean way down to pick up and play cards.
I don't know about you, but I'd be grinning like a crazy wild-eyed toothy t-rex the whole time, too.
...So, thanks, Josh, for reminding me about it, and thanks to you and your friends for this great card idea.
Posted by stevie rae coyle on January 06, 2014 at 12:21AM
Has anyone else notice how knock,knock the New goal Xmas gift is longer then the rest of the deck when added to monster fluxx
Posted by stevie rae coyle on December 30, 2013 at 06:00AM
so since the forums around here are kinda dead would anyone be welling to share kik's or voxer's or IM's so that we may all converse among each other more often and easily???
if so please fell free to add me
kik: shippogirl16
Y,im: shippogirl16
voxer: scoyle418
Posted by Nicholas Roche on December 17, 2013 at 08:31AM
Just to make sure I have it right how it works: The Poison card effectively nullifies any "X Eats Y" Goal in which you own the Y card (example: BEARS EAT FISH is nullified if you have Poison and Fish in front of you). Is this right?
Posted by Bartt Pierce on December 06, 2013 at 04:35PM
I'm not able to see/open the FAQ for Zombie Fluxx. I have a really, really embarrassing question. When and how do you kill zombies? I understand that the Shotgun can kill a Creeper/Zombie. Do you simply do this each turn or do you just need to be able to eliminate zombies at the end of the game if you are able to fulfill the goals? If it's during your turn, do you kill a zombie (for example with the shotgun) and then discard the shotgun, or do you keep it and discard the zombie? Any other help with this is appreciated. Also, if someone has a different link that works for the FAQ, or an attachment, I would be very grateful! Thanks!
Posted by Carson Rothrock on December 02, 2013 at 08:12PM
I'm sure some of you have played mega-fluxx where you mix one or more decks together. Has anyone tried to play a game where each player draws from their own deck?
I own five different versions and I would hate to have to shuffle all those together, so I'm wondering if you could just have a five player game where each player has a different deck that they draw from.
If I was to play this way I'm not sure how I would tweak the rules. I'm thinking maybe you can only have one goal from your deck in the goal pool at a time that way a player can't change all 5 goals into ones from their deck.
Posted by Neta Tropp on November 11, 2013 at 05:53PM
If, for example I only have the "Captain" in play in front of me before my turn begins, and when I draw to start my turn I get both the "Evil" and "Brain Parasites" in the same draw, what happens?
Do I get to choose which attaches to the Captain? Could they both attach to him simultaneously?
My main question is - can a keeper be attached to more than one creeper? If so, only when can I use this?
Thanks :)
Posted by David Lambert on November 10, 2013 at 05:05PM
As I mentioned elsewhere on this forum last night, after looking for more than a month at 5 or 6 Target stores close to my home, my wife and I finally found Monster Fluxx in stock at a different Target that's in another part of town which we're not usually at (we were out that way for a show that a couple of friends were performing in).
Even though we got home close to midnight, naturally we couldn't go to bed without playing the game at least once, so we did. And after 15 minutes, my wife thought she had won. Or did she? She played the goal "That's No Mummy!," which pictured two keepers she owned: The Mummy and The Teenage Detectives. Except she didn't read the fine print: the goal's text at the bottom said she had to own the keepers The Tombstone and The Teenage Detective. How confusing and contradictory. Which pair do you actually need for this goal?
She played and laid down that goal card. And in the middle of declaring that she won, she noticed the text and interrupted herself with an "oh...wait." She herself decided that the text had to overrule the image, even though it didn't make sense (I agreed at the time). She didn't have The Tombstone...I did; she couldn't win because we split between us the two keepers needed according to the goal's text.
On my very next turn (we had Draw 5 and Play 3 in effect at the moment) I drew cards which allowed me to win two different ways. One of those ways to use the "Exchange Keepers" action card and take her keeper of The Teenage Detectives, to satisfy the text of the existing "That's No Mummy!" goal. But I couldn't do that do to my wife, since that card was so darn confusing! So I used my remaining two plays that round to play a keeper and a goal that would give me the win a different way.
Therefore I'm here to ask the Looney Labs folks: for the "That's No Mummy!" goal card in Monster Fluxx, is it really supposed to be The Teenage Detectives paired with The Tombstone, or paired with The Mummy? Given that the card is called "That's No Mummy!," then it makes MUCH more sense for the goal to require The Mummy instead of The Tombstone. Don't you agree?
In the end, it feels like this card is misprinted with either a wrong icon (The Mummy) or wrong text (The Tombstone); they of course ought to match up. So Looney Labs might want to fix that for future printings of Monster Fluxx. :)

Posted by Mathew Callahan on September 10, 2013 at 04:37PM
I was wondering when the Monster version of Fluxx is being released? This will be a great mix with my Zombie Fluxx deck and I'm really looking forwards to it.
Posted by Elisabeth Swango on September 01, 2013 at 03:19AM
But also bring in questions. My kids (and most people I play with love Star Flux (I hang around several IT geeks, so it comes with the territory). Anyway, tonight I added the flower (counts and Love and Death) and all cards that would be related to those cards along with the the (like Death and Taxed and War = Death).
Anyway, we came across a couple of issues that we just could not work out.
The first: We had double Agenda in play with "War = Death" and "All That is Certain" (needing Death and Taxes). My daughter Michelle had War, Death and Taxes as her only creepers. She thought that since it was a double agenda, she satisfied both goals and should win. I said that yes, she satisfied War = Death, but since she had Taxes, that did not count. In the same sense, she had Death and Taxes, but since she had War, that did not count. Who is right? Since it was double agenda, she did satisfy each as if that card places both as one, but I am pretty sure it does not work that way.
That brings me to the second part. My other daughter, Christine, had the Traitor (I love that card), so she would have won if the first situation would have actually resulted in a winner. I told her that I did not think that would count because she also had Evil in front of her. The argument is how the card is worded. The Traitor says: "If you have this card, you cannot win by meeting the current goal. However, if another player meets the goal, you win instead of them..." In the rules, a traitor prevents you from willing if it does not satisfy the current goal. Now let's say that hypothetically, the first issue ended in a win for Michelle. The traitor would make Christine win by how the card is worded... BUT other creepers say that you cannot win by meeting the current goal. Christine did have Evil, but Michelle had no other creepers than the ones that would have made her win. Since The Traitor goes by looking at Michelle to win, would Christine's Evil count as a creeper to prevent her from winning or would she win because Michelle had nothing preventing her from winning (hypothetically, of course)
Thirds question: Monty Python Fluxx. Play all is in effect. Christine (as her last card) plays Jackpot. Since she has to draw three cards, and the rule is Play All, does she play all those cards too, or did her turn end as soon as she played the Jackpot card, thus leaving the three cards in her hand?
I have other questions too (I do beta testing for a reason), but until tonight, I forget to write them down. :)
Posted by Cultistmark on August 26, 2013 at 01:48AM
Hi there, I am a new member here, as well as new to the Fluxx world. Two weeks ago I bought, on a whim, to purchase Cthulhu Fluxx. I must say its by far the best money I have spent in a long time. I do have some rules questions though. Sorry if they were covered elsewhere.
#1: On the 'Draw 3 and play 2 card', if you draw a creeper as one of the three cards, does that creeper get played in front of you and you draw another card OR can you use that creeper as the discard of the three you drew?
#2: Considering the 'Dark Gift" card. Does your anti-doom if it cancels out your ability to use the dark gift ability? Secondly, if a creeper is drawn, do you then play him and pick another card as you would with any normal creeper drawn?
#3: At the start of the game when cards are dealt and players receive a creeper do all players play the creepers before the start of any turns or do you wait till the start of YOUR turn?
#4: If 'The Stars are Right' is removed from play and there is currently a goal and ungoal in play, do both stay in play? Or is one removed? And if so how do you determine which goes and which stays.
#5: Which the 'Draw 2 + Doom' card, if a creeper is drawn raising your doom count do you then have to draw more cards than you originally had counted?
Thanks and I am sorry if some of these were covered before.
Posted by Alex Arts on August 21, 2013 at 11:07AM
Is it ok to have a thread for out-of-print cards found for sale? It seems fair to me that if you're in the market for that one rare card, we can all try and help each other by posting links if you find some available? Of course it's likely the links won't be good for long, but surely it's better that someone from the Fluxx Forum Family have first crack at it than anyone else, right?
I found, from 2007, the 7-card 10th Anniv Expansion pack on ebay. As of this post, 4 are left here:
"This seven-card pack was issued to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Fluxx in 2007. It includes the Keeper - The Party - modeled on La Fiesta from Fluxx Español. It also includes a Creeper (a new card-type invented for Zombie Fluxx) called the Radioactive Potato, and 2 Goals, 2 Actions and a New Rule pertaining to parties. With the help of our Looney Labs SuperStores, we distributed almost 15,000 of these promo packs! "
Here is an in depth look at the cards:
Have you found any Out of Print cards for sale?
POST YOUR LINK HERE! (Especially if you see the Horrifying Sculpture promo I'm after! ;)
Posted by Charlie S on August 20, 2013 at 08:27PM
In my gaming group we're having a heated discussion about the "Fear of the Unknown" New Rule in Cthulhu Fluxx and I would like some clarification.
The card says: "If you reveal something that frightens you during your turn, draw and play one additional card." Some in the group are interpreting this to mean that, since it doesn't explicitly say "per turn" you can do this as many times as you like during your turn, as long as that New Rule is in play. For instance, you can say, "I'm afraid of snakes," then draw and play a card. Then say, "I'm afraid of Limburger cheese," and draw and play another card. Then keep doing this ad infinitum until you've won the game.
It would be great to get something official from Looney Labs as that may be the only thing that calms this group down, but all opinions are welcome.
Posted by Stephen McMahon on August 20, 2013 at 05:00PM
I'll start by setting up the scenario-
Player 1- Plays the "Play All" which is a new rule card, then plays a new Goal card and then plays the 2 Keepers needed for this Goal to win the game.
Can another player play the "Veto" surprise card that discards any new rule played after Player 1 has won??
I'm asking this because on the "Veto" card it says "Discard a new rule another player has just played, thus preventing it from ever taking effect"
Does this mean-
The veto must be played straight after the "Play All" card is played?
Or can it be played at any point/even towards the end of Player 1's turn stopping him from ever playing the "Play All" card? also what would happen to the Goal and 2 Keeper cards that were played? do they go back to player 1's hand or do they get discarded?
Posted by Tim on August 19, 2013 at 03:02PM
So I have a few questions on a couple of card. The promo Keeper card Robo-Doc and the Animator Keeper card from Monty Python Flux State that they act as other cards.
1.With the Robo-Doc can the Captain Keeper in Star Fluxx take the Robo-Doc? The Captain card states it can steal the Doctor an if the Robo-Doc is acting like the Doctor can he be stolen or is it the Captain can only steal the true Doctor keeper since that is the name on the card?
2.Now in Monty Python Fluxx you have the Animator Keeper that states that it counts as the Finger of God so if the goal The Meaning of Life comes out which is the Animator and the Finger of God do you win with just the Animator card since it also counts as the Finger of God?
May last question is on the Teleporter Keeper in Star Fluxx. Can the Teleporter teleport its self? The card states you can move any 1 of your keepers to another player. An since it is one of your Keepers in play can you move it to someone else? I know this question may seem odd cuz why would you want to give someone a good card like that but trust me there are some really good evil things you could do to someone of you can do this lol.
Well thank you for some fantastic games.
Posted by Don Del Grande on August 17, 2013 at 07:32PM
I didn't see a thread for rules questions for Fluxx The Board Game, and I have some to ask...
1. Can the Start tile be uprooted (either with a Move or the Upset A Tile Action)? How about with the Swap Tiles Action?
2. (This applies to regular Fluxx as well) If I play "Draw 2 And Use 'Em", and one of the cards is "Shuffle Hands", which cards are considered my "hand"?
3. The Swap Colors Action says that the trade must be "either before or after you conduct all of your moves." That means it can happen at any time. Should the card really say, "You must do this either before you conduct any of your moves, or after you conduct all of them"?
Posted by John Ploch on August 17, 2013 at 04:03AM
If I have two keepers with anti-doom points and one keeper or creeper with one doom point, is my doom score -1? Or can it not go below zero?
I ask because of the draw 2 + doom score new rule card. Would I draw one card or two?
Posted by Shannon Wyatt on August 10, 2013 at 01:12AM
I have a question about Twist of Fate! Out of turn: When another player plays a keeper, it goes in front of you instead of them, possibly preventing their victory. During your turn: Steal another player's keeper and put it in front of you.
And Dreams and Omens Set your hand aside. Count the number of players in the game. Draw enough cards to give 1 to each player. You decide who gets which, placing them each face down in front of their recipients. No one else may look at these cards. Each player (including you) must play this card before starting their next turn. This does not count as one of their plays for that turn.
My question is, if Dreams and Omens is played and one of the cards given is Twist of Fate!, then does the person play the Out of turn or During your turn part of the card? It says play BEFORE starting their next turn, so do you HAVE to use the out of turn, or because the previous person's turn is over, it IS your turn, so you can technically play the During your turn part?
Posted by Chuong Nguyen on August 07, 2013 at 09:09PM
We've been getting pretty intense with Fluxx games during lunch breaks and we recently ran into a question about using Suprise! cards and their cancelling properties.
Let me set up the scenario:
Player A plays a Keeper.
Player B plays That's Mine!
Player A plays It's A Trap!
Player B plays Veto!
We're trying to figure out if the last surprise takes effect or the first surprise takes a effect? Did B successfully steal the keeper in this case or does Player B's Veto! take effect? Cancelling with multiple surprises is a little unclear to us when there are more than two surprises being played consecutively.
Posted by Ian Kinghorn on July 28, 2013 at 04:38PM
Hi guys,
Me and my other half just got this game and we are really enjoying it. Just a quick question we are assuming that keeper abilities can be used at any time during your turn since they don't say at the start.
But the question is if I have Unseen force and Computer can I use both of these abilities in a turn or just the one? I know I read elsewhere that keeper actions are not classed as an action so their use doesn't count as a play but I couldn't find anything saying whether or not you could use multiple abilities in one turn.
Posted by Jim Dunaway on July 20, 2013 at 12:36AM
Just completed my first game of Fluxx The Board Game. Basically it's Fluxx on steroids meets Martian Coasters. It's awesome and I have a feeling it's going to be big!
One of the not-readily-apparent aspects of the game is its expandability. Not only can it be expanded by adding cards, like the regular Fluxx line, but also tiles can be added as well with corresponding goal cards.
Thanks for suggesting it, Josh, and great job on it, Andy!
Posted by Dave Autzen on July 15, 2013 at 04:37PM
GenCon is just over 4 weeks away. Anyone going to be there? I was thinking some of us could meet up and play some LL games, depending on free time. I'm always willing to play Fluxx, Chrononauts, and pyramid games. I also play lots of other games (but don't tell the Looneys, LOL)
It seems there are no scheduled Looney Labs games at all this year (besides AYAW) except one called "Fast Zombies" which is Zombie Fluxx and Zombie Dice.
If anyone's interested, post in this thread, so we can maybe find some free time to get together.
Posted by Robert Young on June 29, 2013 at 06:04PM
When playing the Camouflage card as a New Rule, do you get to turn over one Keeper "every time your turn comes around" hence having the possibility of multiple Keepers turned over or do you ONLY get to turn over one Keeper regardless of how many Keepers you have on the table?
Posted by Matthew Rogers on May 25, 2013 at 03:27PM
Posted by feenix1363 on May 20, 2013 at 08:58PM
I've just finished watching the video review;
And my first reaction is WOW. I really believe you may have pulled it off and made a game that will play like the Fluxx we already know and love.
So, now a question, I'm not averse to buying from the US, but UK import duties can be a bit of a killer, and we've yet to see any info other than 'available in store 26th June'. Does this mean US only or are we fans in Europe also going to be able to get hold of the game?
Posted by Jason on May 14, 2013 at 01:30AM
So I was playing Pirate Fluxx with 4 players. Its DRAW 4, PLAY 3. It is my turn.
I draw and now have 10 cards (I think) in my hand.
My first play is the card: Draw 3, Play 2
I set aside my hand (9 cards)
I draw Trash a Rule, a Keeper, and Draw 2 & Use 'em.
I play Draw 2 & Use 'em
I set aside 2 cards
I draw Jackpot, Discard & Draw.
I play Jackpot - and Draw 3 Cards
I then play Draw & Discard
So here are my questions:
1) How many cards do I Draw & Discard?
2) What do I do with the Jackpot cards?
Posted by Adam Habig on May 02, 2013 at 05:44PM
OK, so this one is blinding obvious to me, but we've got 5 bucks on it, so:
For the Poor Bonus, do you need to have a keeper on the table to get the Poor Bonus if everyone else has at least one keeper in play? Is zero keepers on the table fewer than one keeper on the table?
Posted by Adam Habig on April 26, 2013 at 07:38PM
I'm sure this is probably addressed in the wiki FAQ, but it is currently broken.
If you play the goal which allows you to win, but the same play is the goal change that moves Larry or the Radioactive Potato to you, do you win?
Posted by Robert Young on April 26, 2013 at 06:49PM
What is the protocol for playing the Mobile Fluxx game? Let's say you are playing a 21 day game, should you be ready whenever the alert lets you know it's your turn? Do you wait to give the other players time to breathe (so to speak)? I haven't gotten any response to my question regarding the little timer posted about 19 hours ago so I'm trying a new approach. I want to give other players some room but the game doesn't seem to be moving very quickly. That's probably my fault and the newness of playing this online.
Posted by Robert Young on April 25, 2013 at 10:52PM
If you are playing a 21 day game, what is the little timer signifying? Does it mean you must complete your next turn in 21 days or do you have 21 days to complete the game? Same goes for the lesser day or time slot allotment?
Posted by Stephen McMahon on April 25, 2013 at 05:44PM
Can anyone just verify this for me please, If your goal was an Evil goal - lets say "Fly, Monkeys!" and you have the 2 Creepers(Witch of the West & Winged Monkeys) needed to win the goal but you also have another Creeper, Do you need to get rid of this extra Creeper to Win? I know the Creepers all say "You can't win if you have this unless the goal says otherwise" but does this count if your winning with a Evil Goal? Surely all the Evil Creepers would be happy as long as Evil wins in the end, you don't need to get rid of all your Keepers when winning with a Good goal, What do you guys think?
Posted by Andre Schemschat on April 03, 2013 at 01:57PM
I've recently aquired the star-fluxx game and we have since played some very interesting rounds without any problems interpreting the rules, but yesterday we stumbled into two, somewhat related, problems and i would love to get some input/opinins/clarifications on that
In play was a Keeper Limit 1 [-> the end of your turn], Player A has 1 Keeper and the Cute Fuzzy Alien Creature [->Move to the next player at the end of your turn]. Now he ends his turn. In which order do those happen?
a) Keeper Limit first -> Discard one Keeper, he chooses Alien Creature which goes to the top of the draw pile, next player draws alien creature
b) Move first -> Next player already has Alien Creature in front of him, so he will draw another card first.
(In this case we had Draw 1 / Play 5, and none of us had any cards on their hands, which means the one drawn card was the card to play)
This one was a more ...heated... discussion last night :D
In Play: Keeper Limit 3 [...when your turn ends], Goal which requires X and Y.
Player A has 4 Keeper during his turn: X, Teleportchamber (imitating Y), Z+Creeper, W
Player B has Y in front of him.
Player A has X and Y (via teleport because its his turn) in front of him, but cant win because of the creeeper.
Now, his turn ends, he has to discard one keeper. He chooses Y+Creeeper, now no longer having a creeper in front of him. Since he no longer has a creeper, does he win because it is still his turn (thus having X and Y because of Teleportchamber), or is his turn already over (we are in a transition-state, where it is no players turn, so to speak) and his Chamber ceases to function until his next turn?
Rules state `on your turn` as 'Draw, PLay, Keeper Limit, Hand Limit' which would indicate, that each `when your turn ends`-Action is still your turn, which means he would win.
Thanks for your help everybody and thanks for the great game @LooneyLabs
Posted by Liam Reford on March 17, 2013 at 06:44PM
Hi guys,
I was playing Star Fluxx with a few friends earlier on and I would like just a little bit of confirmation - if you have a Creeper in your hand, let's say Brain Parasite but no appropriate Keeper to attach it to, do you still play the Creeper in front of you until an appropriate Keeper gets played?
Thanks, guys.
Posted by Ryan Hackel on March 07, 2013 at 02:30AM
Treat the draw pile as the discard pile, and the discard pile as the draw pile. When you draw a card, take the top (face-up) card from the discard pile. When you discard a card, put it face-down on top of the draw pile.
If the discard pile becomes empty, discard this rule.
(I've got some other ideas for similar New Rules that manipulate the discard pile, but this one's my favorite.)
Posted by Duckie on March 03, 2013 at 04:47PM
2 Questions. This came up in a a game last night.
Player A plays Exchange Keepers on Player B
Player B throws down "It's A Trap"
The It's a Trap card says it prevents the player from Stealing a Keeper and then you can steal their Keeper instead. So my for my question is Exchange Keepers considered "Stealing a Keeper" since you are giving them one back? If so, do they get to steal one of your keepers or do they have to exchange keepers with you of their choice?
Posted by Brianna Ruiz on February 24, 2013 at 10:42PM
For anyone who is attending this years Kingdom Con, here is the planned Fluxx Schedule. Hope to see you all there.
4pm-6pm Laugh your Fluxx off
Come play on the Light Side of Looney Labs, and get ready to enjoy some of your favorite wizard of oz characters, and see Monty Python like you have never seen them before.
Featuring: Wizard of Oz Fluxx and Monty Python Fluxx
Fluxx is a card game where the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game! It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, Play one card. Seems simple enough, right? But that's when the fun starts! Fluxx features cards that change the rules of the game, cards that change the object of the game and cards to create some chaos. Just when your opponents think they’ve got you beat, you can change the rules and win the game!
Hosted By: B.Ruiz, Looney Labs Demo Team
12pm-3pm The Monsters of Fluxx
Join us for 3 hours of pure Monster Fluxx Maddness. Come learn to play, or just battle a foe, with some of the creations from the Dark Side of Looney Labs.
Featuring: Cthulu Fluxx, Zombie Fluxx, and Martian Fluxx
Fluxx is a card game where the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game! It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, Play one card. Seems simple enough, right? But that's when the fun starts! Fluxx features cards that change the rules of the game, cards that change the object of the game and cards to create some chaos. Just when your opponents think they’ve got you beat, you can change the rules and win the game!
Hosted By: B.Ruiz, Looney Labs Demo Team
5pm-7pm Fluxx, Fluxx, Fluxx, and More Fluxx...
Stop by for 2 hours of open Fluxx Gaming. If your an old pro challenge new opponentient. If you have never played, we'll teach you. Everyone is welcome!
Fluxx is a card game where the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game! It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, Play one card. Seems simple enough, right? But that's when the fun starts! Fluxx features cards that change the rules of the game, cards that change the object of the game and cards to create some chaos. Just when your opponents think they’ve got you beat, you can change the rules and win the game!
Hosted By: B.Ruiz, Looney Labs Demo Team
8pm-9pm The End of all Fluxx
As the convention goes into is last hour of glory, sit down with us and we can decided how it all ends. Was it Cthulu, the Zombies or was it the Martians? Maybe it was that pesky lion from the Wizard of Oz of the Black Knight of Monty Python. Either way, its the groups descion.
Fluxx is a card game where the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game! It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, Play one card. Seems simple enough, right? But that's when the fun starts! Fluxx features cards that change the rules of the game, cards that change the object of the game and cards to create some chaos. Just when your opponents think they’ve got you beat, you can change the rules and win the game!
Hosted By: B.Ruiz, Looney Labs Demo Team
Posted by Russ Williams on February 05, 2013 at 07:04PM
In BGG threads I've seen some mentions that supposedly I can play a Surprise during my turn but use the "Out of turn" action. Is this actually true?
The language on the card says:
This card can be played at any time, for one of the functions described below, or to cancel a Surprise...
So it's quite clear I can play it at any time to cancel a Surprise.
And it's quite clear I can play it at any time for one of the functions described below, but in that case it appears there are 2 different cases, and we would see which case applies, and apply that case ("Out of turn" or "During your turn")... so I was rather surprised to read that supposedly you can choose the "Out of turn" function during your turn.
Is there any official ruling/clarification on this? Thanks!
Posted by Aric Tatan on January 27, 2013 at 04:47PM
hi all,
i am wondering how you would play this doomed keeper card, necronomicon.
the description is:
"If you have this on the table, during your turn you may move any Creeper from one player to another. You must then put this card back into your hand."
questions are:
1) to use this card, does it have to be in play before the start of your turn or can you play the card and then use its ability in the same turn?
2) when you use its ability, is this considered 1 play?
3) can you use this ability multiple times in a turn, particularly when "play all" is in effect, possibly creating infinite loop?
last night, we had argument about how this card should be used. what happened was this guy got tons of creepers, and he snatched the necronomicon (via action), then he put down play all. he repeatedly used necronomicon ability and shoved all his creepers away to others.
we ended up putting a house rule: you can only use its ability once. you can then put it in play, but you cannot use its ability again until the next turn.
infinite loop is too game breaking.. what do you guys think? or are we missing something here?
thanks in advanced! =]
Posted by Fox Chase Pillsbury on January 26, 2013 at 07:14PM
-We have the meta rule "Rules Escalation" in play with a counter at 6 or 7. There is "draw 4" on the table, limiting the initial draw. Say someone trashes the draw rule- do they draw up to the benefit conferred by the meta rule? Or have they passed the draw phase of their turn by playing the card that trashed it. What if they then play inflation?
-When someone plays "inflation" do they immediately draw a new card? In general, does the effect of adding a numeral or affecting a rule card cause the rule to trigger again?
-Poor Bonus "If one player has fewer Keepers on the table than any other player, that person draws 1 extra card." It also reminds us that new rules take effect instantly. Does this mean one player draws a card immediately when I play the bonus even if I'm not the one? If all the new rules are triggered every new turn, does this mean the poor person just gets to draw at the start of everyone's turn? Also, it doesn't say "may" like the Rich Bonus, so is this is a mandatory measure for the poor and they have to draw? A fellow fluxx fiend sees the "extra" as implying it is in conjunction with the draw phase.
Posted by Michel Rogers-Vallee on January 13, 2013 at 05:53PM
We had a situation once where we had the Play All rule in effect. One of the player had the Time Traveler Keeper and played the Time Portal.
The player with the Time Traveler can put back in his hand the Time Portal when he play it. The Time Portal permits you to take any card in the draw pile or the discard pile.
Does this mean the player plays infinitely, since the player plays all card and always has "at least" the Time Portal in hand? If he for some reason he can't win (highly improbable) how do we make him stop his turn?
I just want to be ready when the situation comes back!
Posted by David Levene on December 07, 2012 at 11:57AM
Hi all
I'm planning on making some custom Fluxx cards as a Christmas present, but the problem is that I don't have access to a scanner.
I was wondering if you could do me a huge favour and send me scans of the following Keepers:
- Money
- Party
- Time
- Eye
- Brain
- Peace
- Dreams
Posted by Bill Leonard on December 04, 2012 at 06:55PM
Just picked up Cthulhu Fluxx yesterday and figured that with some of the new gameplay, there'd be a little bit of a learning curve. However, after a few games, we pretty much got the hang of things, so the "curve" wasn't as bad as I had figured at first.
There is one question that we had that we couldn't find an answer to... It involves the Doom and Anti-Doom. In the instructions, Anti-Doom says "they will negate doom points when totaling up doom counts."
So, if Cthulhu (3 Doom Points) and The Cat (1 Anti-Doom) are in front of one person on the table, when totaling Doom points, would this person's total now be 2 (3 Cthulhu minus 1 Cat = 2) or does an Anti Doom wipe out all of that player's Doom Points... Or, does anyone having any Anti-Doom on the table wipe out ALL of the Doom points for EVERY player on the table?
The way we interpreted it was, each symbol represented 1 Doom or Anti-Doom. So, we went with the "3-1 = 2" method as described above. But, we also noticed that none of the Anti-Doom cards had more than one symbol on them, so, in effect, you'd need 3 Anti-Doom cards in play in order to negate Cthulhu. We also didn't think that one player having an Anti-Doom would negate a Doom for another player, but again, weren't 100% sure.
Just was curious if we were playing this the correct way, or if we were misunderstanding how Doom/Anti-Doom work when totaling Doom points. How do others interpret and/or play this and has there been an "official" word on how it should be played? I looked through the forum, but didn't see any as of yet.
Posted by Bill Leonard on December 02, 2012 at 02:55AM
OK, here's the situation...
We were playing Fluxx 4.0, only the basic rules were in play (Draw One, Play One).
Dring my wife's turn, she drew a card, played a keeper and then played "Take Another Turn." She Drew another card, played a Goal, which she had both keepers down for and claimed that she had won the round.
My argument was that, when she played the Keeper, that was her "Play One" and that she wasn't allowed to play "Take Another Turn" after that. Had the rules allowed to play more than one card, she could have, but since it was "Draw One, Play One," playing a keeper would be the end of her turn.
Who's right? Does playing the "Take Another Turn" card not count as a play?
Posted by Howard Wilson II on November 05, 2012 at 06:29PM
Imagine my extreme elation at the news of a Fluxx app! Imagine my extreme disappointment that it is being developed for a mere 25% of the mobile market.
Oh well, start out with baby steps, no? Will there be plans for an android version sooner rather than later?
My apologies if this has already been answered, I could not find the answer if so.
Posted by David Artman on November 01, 2012 at 06:47PM
Posted by Genevieve Faber on October 19, 2012 at 03:43AM
So, I have to admit one of my favorite aspect of Fluxx is the Blanxx, since I love to make custom cards. Admittedly enough, I get it where sometimes I have friends who really want one of my custom cards as well and so I make them one too. However, it often means I have left overs from a pack where I didn't use them as much (for example, I have bought over 10 packs of the newer blanks yet have a ton of rules and creepers but no actions, keepers, or goals left over because I used them all) The older packs were great because they had a decent ratio of how many custom cards are made. Plus, we now have another 2 types of cards (ungoals and surprise) that there are no blanxx for.
What my thought is, although I don't know how feasible it is, but instead of just making mixed packs of blanks, also making multipack of single blank types to purchase. Plus then, if any other demo team members want to, they can borrow the idea I've ran through my head a bunch but backed out of just because of sheer price to get the number I need of a single type of blank, is to make a custom card that could be handed out as prizes for an event.
I'm hoping I'm not toe-ing the line too hard with that idea for copyright issues or whatnot, but I just had a player at the last convention I ran at ask of me "hey do you have any custom cards relating to conventions?" which gave me an awesome idea of making a card that specifies conventions in it.
Just a thought :)
Posted by Lara Goodwill on October 04, 2012 at 02:51AM
In a game tonight we had a question of the combination of "Draw 3 play 2" and the Rule card "Cosmic Instructions". If while Cosmic Instructions is in play you Draw 3 Play 2 and draw an UnGoal do you have to play the UnGoal or not? Draw 3 play 2 does state that you set your hand aside and Cosmic Instruction states if the UnGoal is in your hand you must play it. Does the 3 drawn cards count as a hand for the sake of this card or not? We figured as it says set your hand aside that the Cosmic Instruction is not triggered, but thought I'd ask.
Posted by Eric Wagner on September 22, 2012 at 08:43PM
How does 'The Traitor' interact with Ungoals?
-Would you win with The Traitor if the conditions of an Ungoal were met? On one hand, the Ungoal cards say "the game ends with no winner" so in that case I would say that there was no win for The Traitor to steal. On the other hand, in Cthulhu Fluxx, the Ungoals also state "Darkness Wins" or "Sho-goth wins", etc.. so would this count as a win the Traitor could steal?
I have been playing Cthulu Fluxx a lot lately, and it is definitely the most mysterious version of the game. I don't know if my friends and I are just incredibly unlucky, but we seem to have no winner about 80% of the time. We could play with the Meta-Rule, but that just seems too easy.
I was thinking that adding in The Traitor might cause more wins to happen, but perhaps not. If there is no win for The Traitor to steal, then there is no winner. Would The Traitor only claim an Ungoal win if the win occurred with The Secret Cultist or the The Cultist?
Posted by Bob Palmer on September 20, 2012 at 10:58PM
When you join a creeper to a keeper, is the creeper still a creeper preventing winning?
Do you still count doom points from joined creepers?
If a goal/ungoal wants you to count up investigators and doom points, do stats from both cards of a joined pair get counted?
Posted by Fred Fiquet on September 10, 2012 at 08:08PM
Hi all.
The question was raised to me so I'm asking for confirmation: if a creeper gets attached to an investigator, does the investigator still count as such as far as the ungoals are concerned? I say they still do, as I can't see anything to the contrary in the rules, but one wants to be reassured. There are so many horrors lurking out there, eager to prey upon us all…
Posted by William Boling on September 06, 2012 at 05:22PM
The first time I played Cthulhu Fluxx with the Hastur card I immediately saw the potential for strategy and have settled on using the word "Turn" most times I have the opportunity to play it.
What words have you used, and to what effect?
Posted by Bryan Stout on September 04, 2012 at 03:07AM
On BGG someone just posted that they got a promo for Cthulhu Fluxx at PAX, titled "Horror in Clay".
Will these promos be available for special order? When?
Posted by Kristin Looney on August 29, 2012 at 03:07AM
Have you seen that we launched a Kickstarter project?
Deluxe Edition: Are You a Werewolf?

Even if you decide you don't need this fun new version of Werewolf, you might want to fund at the $5 level, to get a copy of this cool new Fluxx promo card.
This card will never be sold again, it is EXCLUSIVE to this Kickstarter promotion. Don't miss out on this card!
Posted by Chris Berry on August 23, 2012 at 09:14PM
Ok...for the life of me, I cannot find where all the Fluxx Q&A threads are so I apologize if this question has already been answered.
Every week on Thursday nights, my fiance & I have a couple friends over for dinner & a night of heavy gaming (90+% of the time being Fluxx), which carries all the way through the weekend at various locations. Since obtaining our copy of Cthulhu Fluxx, we have ran into the following scenario a few times now & can't agree on how to move forward:
To clarify the scenario, here is what is printed on the cards involved:
Even Death May Die (Action) - Search through the discard pile. Take any Action or investigator Keeper you wish, and immediately play it. (Anyone may look through the discard pile at any time, but the order of what's in the pile should not be changed)
Twist of Fate (Surprise) - Out of Turn: When another player plays a Keeper, it goes in front of you instead of them, possibly preventing their victory. During your turn: Steal another player's Keeper and put it in front of you.
"Even Death May Die" is played in order to dig an investigator Keeper out of the discard pile & meet the win conditions. Another player plays the "Twist of Fate" card to take that Keeper as soon as it is played, thus preventing the win.
Now, I know that the "Twist of Fate" card is not meant to stop an action, however, it does allow you to steal a Keeper that is "played". Since the "Even Death May Die" card specifically says "immediately play it" (PLAY being the key word in all of this), I would think that the Keeper can be stolen by someone wielding the "Twist of Fate" card.
We are very passionate about our Fluxx sessions & like to make sure that nobody feels cheated out of a rightly deserved win...or a well played "thwarting" of another player's win. Has anybody else ran into this? Can any of the wonderful Looney Labs crew help us to get a definitive answer to this before this evening's "Fluxxing"?
Posted by Benjamin Nicholas on August 09, 2012 at 01:08PM
An interesting question:
"Draw 3 and Play 2", "Everybody Gets 1"
Creepers cannot be held in your hand.
These cards say to set your hand aside, then draw the cards. The question here begs, is the person who drew the Creeper required to play it immediately and draw a replacement?
Or, in "D3P2", can you play the other 2 and discard the Creeper?
In "EG1", can you pass off the Creeper, thus forcing another player to play the card once it becomes a apart of his/her hand, rather than immediately playing it in front of yourself?
I've usually played in the mindset "if you draw it, it's yours to put in front of you", but a couple of my friends have thought to the contrary, and it really got me thinking about this.
Posted by Dave Autzen on August 09, 2012 at 05:01AM
I was looking on eBay today, and found someone auctioning Oz Fluxx with the Challenge Coin.
Why would anyone want to sell their coin?! It's way cool! Must be a store owner wanting some extra cash?
Posted by Alison Frane on August 06, 2012 at 09:35PM
Hey there folks,
I just got a call from a retailer in Georgia who had gotten a bunch of our old wooden Pandora's Boxxes and Zombie Boss Boxxes for a convention a while back, and never sold through them. At this point, he's just not connecting with those customers who want them, so they're really not moving for him.
I know that there are definitely folks out there among our fans who are looking for them, and this seemed like the best way to get the word out to a bunch of people at once.
Thanks for playing our games, everyone!
-Alison Looney
Question Answerer, First Class
Customer Support
Posted by Casey Hartman on July 17, 2012 at 05:48PM
Hey everybody!
My name is Casey Hartman and I'm a new to both Looney Labs as well as Fluxx.
Being a huge zombie fan, I had to pick up Zombie Fluxx as soon as I saw it at the local bookstore. I've been having a blast with all my gaming buddies ever since.
If anyone reads this post and gets a moment, can they clarify a few rules for me? I've been checking online but haven't found a satisfactory answer.
The zombie Creeper "Larry" is in play under my control with no current goal. When I play a New Goal, I pass him, correct? The card itself states that whenever the Goal changes, Larry shifts, so does a shift from no goal to New Goal constitute a change? I'm pretty sure it works like this but certain players are disagreeing with me. I found a precedent with the way Radioactive Potato works but this hasn't been enough to convince them. Help!
The second question(s) I have relates how Sonic Tranquilizer functions. The confusing parts for me are "can ignore any Zombies". Does this mean I can pick and choose which zombies I ignore? What's really confusing me is that on the RabbitWiki it states that if there is a working Sonic Tranquilizer, then the Zombie Victory Ungoal is prevented but then a few questions down it states that you can win with "I'll Hold 'em Off", "Larry", any Keeper with POW on it, and the Sonic Tranquilizer. If someone can clarify how the Sonic Tranquilizer functions precisely? Does it put zombies in a state where they become something useful for you only for winning and don't count for losing?
Thanks in advance, loving Fluxx. Who else is psyched for Cthulhu Fluxx? Have to order that one as soon as it's available!
From the newest member of the fan club,
Casey Hartman
Posted by William H. SHOUSe on July 16, 2012 at 06:19AM
I'm a member of the Demo Team and in being so received a pile of 25 $1 promo card planks.
OZ FLUXX was my first Demo game and while the promo card was cool and fun to use, my friends and I were confused as to how to add this new promo card to the deck. The front of the card is covered in a thin layer of plastic that makes it stick to the back of any other Fluxx card, thus making it impossible to shuffle in into a deck without it sticking out, clumping, and such.
We tried peeling off the plastic and ending up ripping several cards apart in doing so. In the end we decided to replace the Green Spectacles card for two reasons: 1:We play at work and our uniforms are all red. 2:Only one of my group wears glasses. We would put the promo card face down above the Basic Rules and flip it over when the Spectacles card was played. :)
Now with Chuthulu, we do not have a card to replace. While we could toss in a Blank, or just borrow the Spectacles...
I would really like to know how a promo card is even playable. Am I missing something? Has this issue not been addressed before?
Thanks for you time,
Your Alaskan Fluxx Game Technician
Posted by Chris on June 23, 2012 at 03:29AM
So I have played quite a few games of Oz Fluxx so far, and there were no issues, save one game where someone forgot to put their creeper down when they drew it, and held it in their hand for an unknown period of time. The problem I ran into about a week ago, though, was someone trying to use 'Get On With It!' in a way that seemed contrary to the way it is written. As written it says that any time before your final Play, if you're not empty-handed, you may discard your hand and draw a new one.
The issue was that we had a Play 3 in place, and the player tried to use the Rule as their third play, arguing that it is "before" their final Play since they have not played their third card for the turn. I tried to explain that the Plays do not have that kind of "before" where you can do something after Play 2 and before Play 3, but it just seemed to go in circles. Using the Rule when in your final Play seems like you're giving up nothing, which would appear to be the point of the Rule. Discarding your hand in your final Play to get more cards seems like you're simply performing an action as your final Play rather than having your turn end early.
The simplest way to ask the question is, if the current Play Rule is Play 1, can you make use of 'Get On With It!'?
Posted by Pat Connolly on June 15, 2012 at 02:14PM
When we used to play at lunch we would sometimes run out of time. So we developed a way to get a winner in such a case. Everyone would make up a goal, not in the game, that used the keepers they had on the table. We'd vote and the winner, usually the most profane or clever, was declared the winner.
This evolved into a meta-rule called "Personal Agenda" where everyone would write a secret goal for themselves on a napkin. If you met that goal you revealed it and won. We were all adults, so common goals were doughnut+rocket, rocket+milk, love+money, you get the drift.
Posted by Matthew Rogers on June 12, 2012 at 04:29PM
The new Guess That Goal game is a great way to cultivate interest in a new Fluxx game.
And it seems especially good for Cthulhu Fluxx, since we Cthulhu cultists fans tend to pride ourselves on cognizance of arcane facts and lore.
Just on the basis of the cards revealed today, I'm starting to think about deck additions. But until I know more about the deck, I'm not sure exactly how I'd want the Brain Cylinder card to function. Provisionally: It could be an Action card playable only if the Fungi (Mi-Go) were on the table, with the effect of discarding any human Keeper in play, or transferring the human Keeper from one player to another.
Posted by Joseph Sullivan on April 09, 2012 at 05:21PM
Just got a chance this past weekend to try out a prototype copy of it and I wanted to say that I was extremely impressed and pleased to see that the cards remained VERY close to the Cthulhu mythos. A huge thank you to both the Looney Labs team and Keith Baker for not only making another great game but something that does Lovecraft's works justice. Far too often is the big green guy's mug slapped on a product and sold without any relevance at all to the stories behind him. Can't wait until Cthulhu Fluxx hits the shelves later this year!
Posted by Jean-Marie on April 08, 2012 at 04:58PM
Will the Foam Brain promo ba available thru Looney ? I live outside the US and therefore can't attend any convention.
Posted by Jean-Marie on April 05, 2012 at 05:31PM
I was able to attend many GenCons in Milwaukee but never get the opportunity of attending any Origins.
Therefore, I miss several promo cards:
- Cake
- Coffee Break
- Double Agenda
- Nuclear War
- Reverse Order
- The 100,000 Years Old Game From Mars
- The Bakery
- The Desert
- The Robot
- Too Sleep Or Not To Sleep
- X = X + 1
I'm looking for them in their promo version.
Does anyone have any (or all ;-)) as extras for sale or trade please.
I'm to turn 40 soon and looking for a gift to make to myself...
Thank you,
Posted by Jean-Marie on April 04, 2012 at 02:33PM
I've discovered Fluxx on its very first GenCon almost 15 years ago. Since then, I collect and play the game (still missing a few promos if anyone have extras to sell or trade).
Since MSE 2.0 (Magic Set Editor 2.0) has a Fluxx template available (as well as a Chrononauts and Nanofictionary), one can now easily create, design and print his creations and fan-made cards and sets.
But unlike games like Talisman (with Talisman Island website as a reference) or many other board/cardgames, I don't find any website/Dropbox/blog/Flickr/... where fans could upload and download their creations.
An everything in one place kinda webpage.
So, I'm suggesting 2 options:
1/ How about asking our friends at Looney to add a fanmade section to the fanclub where everyone could upload and download the fan-made sets and singles ?
2/ Otherwise, I would invite each and everyone of us to link in this topic the pages where Fluxx stuff is available for upload and download.
Any ideas and suggestions welcome.
P.S: please forgive me if this subject has already been discussed since I'm new to the fanclub.
Posted by Taylor Sanders on March 20, 2012 at 08:45PM
I just recently started playing Fluxx and my friends and I love the game. I bought two promo cards and they have caused some debate between us on how they work. I was hoping someone could help me out.
Recycling- does using this card's effect to draw cards use one of your plays for the turn? I assumed that it did not since it does not say that it uses up a play.
Composting- can I draw from the bottom of the discard pile and the draw pile if I have to draw more than one card? For example, if draw 5 is on the table could I draw one from the bottom of the discard, two from the draw pile, then two more from the bottom of the discard pile?
Thank you very much for your time and help!
Posted by Ken Grazier on March 16, 2012 at 09:44PM
Got my copy of Oz Fluxx today, and went through the cards. I noticed the same typo on the Play 4 that everyone seems to have noticed, but I also noticed something else.
On the Artificial Heart card, the heart has a clock on it. On that clock, there are two VII's (7), a VIII (8) in the wrong place, and no XI (9).
Maybe the Tin Man is always late, and this is why!
Posted by Robert Blauvelt on March 15, 2012 at 01:18AM
Going over the cards and playing with family tonight we noted that on the Play 4 (on only that one) there was not the black * that's on every other rule card. There is a space for it, but it is not there. Did not do a extra close look to see if it was yellow on yellow, but though I should point this out to the team.
Is it just my deck that has this typo or others have it as well?
Posted by Andy B on March 15, 2012 at 01:06AM
So I was playing Fluxx the other day and somewhere I picked up playing the game with just 2 New Rule cards at once. I don't know where I came up with this, but it's weird because a friend I was playing with asked why we can only play 2 New Rule cards only. I stopped and grabbed the rules and couldn't figure out where I picked it up from. I am at a cross roads with this and need some help with this. Has anyone ever played the game this way? Can I play with as many rules as I want? It's weird because I like the way I play, just didn't ever realize that I could play with as many as the game allowed! What does everybody think?
Posted by Daniel U. Thibault on March 05, 2012 at 12:31AM
How about Cthulhu Fluxx?
Another idea would be geopolitical Fluxx, which could be further declined in various historical flavours (Ancient Near East, Medieval Europe, Cold War Era, etc.). A Roman Empire Fluxx would probably work better at the "personal" level (i.e. the ups and downs of a Roman family) rather than at the geopolitical level.
Posted by Andrew Zorowitz on March 01, 2012 at 02:34AM
(I posted this in the demo team forum, but I realized it might be of interest to more people so I'm reposting it here).
Hi everyone! My name is Andrew Zorowitz, and I run a store called Foam Brain Games located in upstate NY. We also spend a lot of our time on the convention circuit selling board games, dice, etc.
I'm very very excited to announce that we will be running an event throughout 2012 called the Looney Labs Experience - the idea being that there will be demos of new and exciting Looney Labs games, and an exclusive promo card when someone buys a LL game from us.
In order to make this happen, we're looking for demo people to help us at a ton of events in the upcoming year. I've gone ahead and added several events to the upcoming event calendar, but there are going to be more as well.
In exchange for people demoing, we're offering badges, food, free games, and (where available) hotel crash space, depending on the number of hours worked.
If you're interested in demoing for any of the upcoming shows, want to be added to my mailing list to get notified when we add more shows, or for questions or information please don't hesitate to email me at
Posted by Maxime Blanchette on January 19, 2012 at 01:41PM
Hi there,
I've got an idea last week...
What if Looney Labs would produce an expansion of an already existed Fluxx game?
I very like the Fluxx's mechanics, but for some of my friends all Fluxx look the same (sometime, even to me). It's like if you are playing the same game with different art...
I have Monty Python, Zombie and Pirates Fluxx. My and my friends favorite is Zombie Fluxx, so we have played it more often .
My idea: Produce an stand alone expansion of Zombie Fluxx; Zombies Fluxx for exemple.
Here we go, a new Fluxx that new players can buy (like it is a standalone) and a expansion that fan, like me, will absolutely buy.
Posted by Paul Wilkerson on January 12, 2012 at 02:45PM
I was playing a two handed game of Zombie Fluxx with my Daughter, and I have a question.
The Zombie Boss New Rule card was in play.
I had the Zombie repellent Keeper in play.
She Killed a Trio of Zombies which moved the card to me, but the Zombie repellent moved it right back.
She also played the Zombie Victory Ungoal.
Did she win?
Posted by Gregory A. Strohmeyer on December 28, 2011 at 06:37PM
When starting the game and dealing the three cards to each player I'm not sure how to handle Creepers. When you receive a Creeper during the initial deal, do you lay it down immediatly and receive another card so that you always start with three non creeper cards? That is how we have been playing so far. We just got the game for Christmas and we love it!
Posted by Thomas Preece on December 20, 2011 at 08:36PM
Yes, yes, Esperanto is still going - in fact it's going from strength to strength and has more speakers than ever!
In case you've never heard of it, it's a "constructed language" that was originally aimed to help further world peace by letting people communicate with each other more easily. Well of course that lofty goal hasn't been achieved yet, but there's still a fairly sizeable community of people who speak the language, basically because it's just a fun language to speak in. Every year there's several big meetings of Esperanto speakers, and of course we like to play games!
Fluxx is a great game for these sort of events, apart from the small problem that it's in English. There are actually been several unofficial translations of the game that have popped up at Esperanto events from time to time. I've had a stab at creating one, though it's more of a themed version of Fluxx that happens to be in Esperanto rather than a direct translation. We've playtested it a few times and it seems to work pretty well. I've attached a copy in case anyone here's interested in seeing what I've come up with. :)
Posted by Paul Wilkerson on December 19, 2011 at 12:12AM
I play Draw 2 and use 'em. I draw Rotate Hands. Do I rotate the 2 cards I drew or my hand? If I rotate my hand, how many cards do I play, 2 or the whole hand??
Posted by advanced on December 02, 2011 at 11:50AM
Hello people!
How are you?
I'm new to this fan club, then let me introduce myself a bit. My name is Nico,I'm 25, I'm original from Italy, and now I'm Sweden working and finishing my master thesis in Software Engineering.
Yesterday I was playing FLUXX at a board game night for the first time in my life.
I loved it.
We played it for less then one hour and I was totally exited about it but I didn't fully understand the spirit of the game, I think it requires much more experience.
I found this concept fascinating and here I am, asking you a question.
Is there any strategy to win under such uncertainty condition?
All of my friends say that is ONLY a matter of luck, but I think that there is more than luck in this...
So I would like to hear from you, Fluxx geeks, what kind of approach a player should have in a game with changing goals and rules...
Is there any strategy related to theory of game ? in case, please, can u post here a link or some reference,plee?
Or... there's nothing you can do about it, and only use your experience and knowledge about cards types, and win based on experience?
I wonder if there is something more than (past xp + luck) only
And I have a strong feeling that : yes, there is...
Can you help me guys?
Thank you!
Posted by Jonathan Hughes on November 20, 2011 at 10:01PM
Here are a few cards I've made up using Blanx for our Star Fluxx game at home:
You're my Only Hope (Goal) - You win if you have Holographic Projection and Robot in play in front of you.
DOOOOOOOOOOMED! (Creeper) - Attaches to a Keeper and prevents player from winning like other Creepers. Additionally, if this Creeper and any other Creeper are attached to the same Keeper, discard that Keeper and all cards attached to it.
Assimilation (Creeper) - Attaches to a Keeper that is either a Being or Equipment. That Keeper is now considered both a Being and Equipment.
Posted by Jonathan Hughes on November 20, 2011 at 09:51PM
Star Fluxx is the first Fluxx game I've played with Surprise cards. When played on your turn, does a Surprise count as a Play?
Posted by I P Freely on November 18, 2011 at 03:28AM
Star fluxx questions.
1: does anyone know if you can stack creepers?
- stacking being attaching say evil and malfunction to a keeper like the robot. obviously you can't attach both the brain parasites and malfunction (unless you get the robot doctor card) but i see no reason why you cant stack evil and malfunction.
2: the teleporter says "once per turn you can move 1 keeper from your side to another" (i know that's not the exact wording) and the unseen force says "once per turn" as well, does this mean once per your turn or once per any players turn? I know its probably once per your turn but i want to clarify it.
3: does the cute fuzzy alien creature count towards the keeper limit? the cute fuzzy alien moves at the end of your turn, and you have to follow the keeper limit when its not your turn, so does the alien count as one of your keepers when you have to discard down?
4: the computer's "draw and play one extra card per turn" is that optional?
5: once you play a card such as the captain, and its effect is to take another keeper from another player, can you take that keeper the same turn as you played the captain?
also, if you use the captain to take say the scientist, can you then use the scientist on that same turn to take say the energy crystals?
thats all the questions i can remember, but as we are playing 10-over 9000 games a day, i am sure to come up with more. thanks for the answers and the help (I assume is coming).
Posted by George Johnson on November 06, 2011 at 02:04PM
I have a few Star Fluxx questions.
1- Does Evil cause the Keeper that it's attached to not to work? An Evil Captain isn't intimidating if he's powerless.
2- If the Doctor has brain parasites, can he cure them?
3-I was going to ask what the point of the Teleporter was (besides the benefit of using it with the "Beam us up" card)- Why would you want to move a Keeper to someone else? But thinking on it now, it seems that you could teleport on with a creeper attached, to try to keep someone from winning, ya?
Thanks in advance.
Posted by George Johnson on November 06, 2011 at 04:16AM
Larry the Zombie can be killed just like any other zombie, yes?
Posted by Brian on October 16, 2011 at 09:49PM
How many of these come with the standard edition of Fluxx? We've only found 1 in our box .. curious if we're missing some, or if there's only supposed to be one included.
Posted by Brian on October 16, 2011 at 04:56PM
Hey all -- just bought Fluxx, really enjoying it, except for this very intense argument that comes up every time we see the Let's Do That Again! action card.
The question: are players allowed to look through the discard pile at any time?
The LDTA! card says that 'anyone may look through the discard pile at any time', so I think yes. But a person I play with says that nobody can look through the pile until that card is played, because otherwise, they don't know that they're allowed to since it's not stated in the basic game rules.
So what's the official word-- is the discard pile available for looking through all game long by anyone, or only once the LDTA! card has been played?
Thanks for the help-- our relationship depends on it
Posted by Ryan Hackel on October 13, 2011 at 02:14AM
Has anyone else noticed that the arrow in the top left of the Press Your Luck promo card is solid black, instead of the usual outlined arrow on Actions?
Posted by David Joslyn on September 30, 2011 at 03:34PM
With the debut of Star Fluxx, my mind once again turns to screwy new ways to combine aspects of the various incarnations of everybody's favourite randomest game. Comments, criticisms, and wildly outrageous accusations welcome.
Martian Star (M-S) Fluxx -- This one looks relatively easy. Add all the various Martian Tech keepers and related goals, rules, and actions (the ones that'll make sense) to the deck. House rule that Martian ships can be used wherever the word "starship" appears. Germs can infect a crew (i.e. prevent a player from winning), but the Doctor can cure sacrificing himself.
Pirate Star (P-S) Fluxx -- This one seams more..."fun." Sure you have the Captain and thus can order the Engineer & Doctor (& Robo-doctor) around, but by dint of the Captain's Hat I am the Captain (Admiral?) and can thus order you Out the Airlock (aka Walk the Plank). Also, instead of the Flintlock "outgunning" the Cutlass, in P-S Fluxx a Laser Sword is better than a Laser Pistol when you want to steal treasure. ("A more elegant weapon for a more elegant age...")
Zombie Pirate (Z-P) Fluxx -- Or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Franchise." Not really sure how to pull this one off except to add two of every zombie type (wouldn't want to overdo things) to a Pirate Fluxx deck, along with other period-appropriate cards. (Two-by-Four?: Good. A Friend?: Good. Car?: Bad) Cannons, flintlocks, and swords count as weapons and can kill zombies.
Any ideas for Martian Zombie Fluxx or Zombie (Martian) Star Fluxx?
Posted by Joseph Sullivan on September 14, 2011 at 06:52PM
Hello out there!
I was just wondering how people stored their cards for when they're on the go. I've been trying to find a nice sturdy case that I can just toss in my backpack and not worry about the cards falling out/getting crushed or bent/ or getting wet if it starts to rain out.
I walk a lot and love taking my cards with me everywhere so any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
Posted by Kristin Looney on September 12, 2011 at 09:10PM
Talk Like a Pirate Day is only 6 days away... September 19th, 2011
Anyone have any plans that include Pirate Fluxx?
Posted by Thom Colgan on September 01, 2011 at 06:05PM
While demo'ing the game last night a question arose, that I really didn't have an answer to...
Unseen Force: If you have this on the table, once per turn you can steal a card chosen randomly from another player's hand, and add that card to your own hand.
This once per turn, is it on YOUR turn or anyone's turn?
Other than was a great game!!
Posted by Will on August 24, 2011 at 10:34PM
Any advice on where one can find social groups that get together to play a game?
Posted by Luke A Bracegirdle on July 21, 2011 at 06:36PM
Am I right in thinking that the friends pictures in zombie fluxx are based on the looneys? the female friend with the bandana bears a cartoonish resemblance to kristin.
Posted by Jono Gomez on June 27, 2011 at 09:23PM
Hello! I have just joined this forum hoping to find a discussion like this, but perhaps you had one and it has been lost to time.
I discovered fluxx blanks when me and a few friends were playing a nice relaxed, enjoyable game in the library at our high school and someone took offence and tore up my draw 5 card.
Obviously I was heartbroken.
I was looking for a way to replace damaged cards and discovered the blank cards and the idea appealed directly to the base of my soul. It would be a few years until I actually found a shop that was selling them and a few more weeks before I actually worked up the courage to put sharpie to paper.
My pack is nearing double its original volume now, and still we come up with wacky, fun new ways to bulk it out further.
What I'd like to hear about is all your favorite homemade cards. Which ones have prooved particularly effective? Have you had any that didn't end up working as you'd hoped? Are there any that clearly stand above the rest as particularly luminescent genius?
As we get together an archive I'd like to have a vote and ranking for top Filled-In Blanks.
I can't take credit for our most senior creation; the "sex" keeper card (tastefully illustrated I assure you!), which has allowed for such goals as "Moondance", sex and the moon; "Afternoon Delight", sex and the sun; "Sex Bomb", sex and war; "The best thing since sliced bread", sex and bread.
But I take a lot of pride in the "everybody gets 0" card, and the "1000 point bonus" keeper.
What have you got?
Posted by Kevin L. on June 23, 2011 at 05:41AM
I was curious - has anyone created a database of all the fluxx cards and which cards come in which deck and which expansions or promo cards work in which deck?
Posted by Bryan Stout on June 19, 2011 at 03:17AM
I have versions 1.0 and 1.1 for Zombie Fluxx. I was surprised to see that someone on BGG has a version 1.2!
What are the differences between versions 1.1 and 1.2? I imagine that there must be differences, or they wouldn't have changed the numbering. Or is that just a typo/editorial slip?
Posted by Troy Brewer on June 05, 2011 at 01:57AM
I had a thought last week last week in those moments after waking, but before consciousness has fully congealed about a Fluxx DBG. I have been playing various DBGs lately, and that along with a deep and abiding love for Fluxx has sparked a desire to think about this more. I have talked about it with the people that I play with and they like the idea. I was thinking that the money mechanic of most DBGs would be simply replaced by discarding cards from your hand (if a card costs 3 you have to discard 3 cards to purchase) The most of the rules would work the in the normal way (perhaps only on a personal basis). The two things that we couldn't come up with are the starting deck, and rules for pricing action and new rules cards. Goals and Keepers would be fairly easy ( a standard price, and a slightly higher price for the Keepers with special effects). I am eager to hear everyone's thoughts on this.
Posted by Larry Zeffert on May 10, 2011 at 04:07PM
I don't mean just promos, but ordinary cards.
For instance, I added Take Another Turn to my Pirate Fluxx deck that already has Roshambo and the Traitor because I thought it was very Pirate-y to just up and take another turn.
I put a lot of silly actions (like Rotate Hands) in my Python deck, just in case it wasn't silly enough, yet.
I also added Double Agenda to my Eco deck because very rarely the two goals will be food chain goals that are connected!
Who else puts cards from one deck into another?
Posted by Jeff Wolfe on May 02, 2011 at 05:42PM
I have another question for the newly posted Pirate Fluxx FAQ. I already have an opinion on how it should be interpreted, but I'm interested in an official ruling.
If I play a card on my turn and another player plays a Surprise to cancel it, then I can play another Surprise to cancel the first one. Since it's my turn, does that count as a Play?
Posted by Dennis D Duquette on April 01, 2011 at 05:05PM
Newest Fluxx game announced today! Travel edition sticks to metal mat. Yay for
Magnetic Fluxx!
Posted by Neil Castro on March 27, 2011 at 07:26AM
I would love to see a James Bond Fluxx or Spy Fluxx where you can do some cool espionage things like Sabotage or Covert Ops. It also might help with the Gambling Fluxx that Andy is also cooking up too.
Posted by Eric Taylor Leath on March 15, 2011 at 05:06PM
Sorry if this has been addressed already, but I couldn't find anything pertaining to it on the Wiki .
The Knights of Ni have their ability canceled if a goal has "it" or "it's" in its title, but there's nothing specifying if it needs to be that exact word.
So, would a goal with the word Credits in its title be acceptable? I would argue that a knight of the round table should have divine right to make this a rule, but my playtest group claimed they were being repressed.
Posted by Jeremy Wedel on March 15, 2011 at 06:26AM
A situation came up during a recent game of Pirate Fluxx; someone played the Treasure Map, but they interpreted the text as allowing them to tuck a Booty card under the Treasure Map even before it was played. The thought was that the Booty card "did dot exist" if it was under a Treasure Map card. This way, the person was able to get two cards to the table with only one play.
I argued that this was not allowed; getting the two cards to the table should count as two plays. After that, the person could have tucked the Booty card under the Treasure Map to protect the Booty.
We decided to just let the play stand as the situation would not be likely to come up again in the same game. However, I offered to ask the higher powers.
Posted by Wayne Terrell on March 08, 2011 at 04:25AM
Are there any plans to include Ungoals, Surprises, and Meta Rules in a future edition of Blanxx?
Posted by Andy B on February 27, 2011 at 06:59AM
Does anybody have any tips on making cards? I am looking to use my printer if it works! I don't know if I can use the rub off decals?! I don't know what will work HELP!
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 25, 2011 at 11:06PM
This custom card idea has been floating around in my head for a long time, since 3.1 was new. The card name was originally going to be called "Invasion" but I decided to change the name of the card. I think this will work in any Fluxx deck but styled it after Martian Fluxx.
The action card reads as such "Set your hand aside and take someones entire hand of cards. Playany cards from there hand as if it was your own. Once you reach the end of your play phase hand backthe cards to the player and pick upyour original hand of cards."
Some may think this is too powerful but I think that it is a lot of fun. Let me know what you think please.
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 25, 2011 at 07:41PM
one of my favorite keeper is the computer because well i am a computer geek and because it gives a personal inflation which is awesome. I have wanted to make a goal for it for a while and could come up with a couple loose goals but once i saw the boardgame geek promo i knew what had to be done. here is a custom goal that requires the computer promo card and the board game geek promo card. It has an extra bonus too ;-) let me know what everyone things.
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 25, 2011 at 04:18AM
I am making custom Fluxx cards using an old copy of photoshop and would like to know what the description font used on the cards is. I am talking about the text that describes what the card does. Anyone know?
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 25, 2011 at 04:13AM
Hello everyone,
I first learned how to play fluxx from some old friends and it was either Fluxx 2.0 or 2.1 and I would love to be able to get a copy of this but can not find it anywhere anymore. I know that it is out of print and would be getting a copy from the secondary market but I was wondering if anyone might have a copy that they might be willing to part with. I would pay for it of course, I would like it to not be too badly beat up if possible. Please let me know if you might be interested in selling me a copy.
Thanks :-D
Posted by Dave Autzen on February 24, 2011 at 03:42PM
I thought up a new Surprise card the other day. I call it "Me, too!"
Card text-
Out of turn: When another player adds a card to their hand with an Action card, you may draw a card.
During your turn: Draw two cards.
I specifically avoided using numerals so Inflation would not affect it. I couldn't think of any non-Action cards that allow players to draw (outside of the Draw Rules) so that's why I specified that only Action cards would allow the Surprise to be played.
If I have forgotten Keepers that allow drawing of cards, please remind me!
Posted by Dave Autzen on February 23, 2011 at 09:17PM
Does anyone have a spare of the Marlene Bruce Stoner Fluxx promo card I can somehow obtain?
Due to my being a completist, I'd like to own one.
Message me, or feel free to email me at davester64 @
Posted by Fjodor van den Broek on February 23, 2011 at 07:08AM
okay, so this question has bugger us since tonights game. we have the 'double agenda' rule on the table (2 goals), and the goals are: 'gone to meet his maker' (grim reaper + the finger of god) and : 'things no-one expects' (the spanish inqusition + airborne cow OR nude organist)
and I have the grim reaper + spanish inqusition creepers (no any other creepers) and among my keepers are the airborne cow and the finger of god.
do I win in this case?
because I win with one goal, but I have a second creeper, and the same with the other goal, but with a different creeper.
this question was bugging us a lot and eventually we flipped a coin (which we then lost so we had to flip another coin) and that stated I lost, but that was fair, but I do want to know what you guys think, should I had won? or not?
this was btw one of the weirdest fluxx-games I ever played
Posted by Kristin Looney on February 19, 2011 at 03:24PM
I have a new favorite Fluxx card - Roshambo Showdown - a new card that just came out in an exclusive Fluxx promo card pack! (order your copy here) We have been putting this card into every Fluxx game we've played over the last few months, while playtesting these new cards, and this card is SO. MUCH. FUN. It's an ACTION - pick another player, challenge them to a quick 3-round Rock-Papper-Scissors tournament, winner takes the loser's entire hand of cards.
What is YOUR favorite Fluxx card?
Posted by Yamit Ovadya on February 18, 2011 at 06:33PM
I played the first games of Pirate fluxx today and all players, new and old, enjoyed the new version, especially the surprise cards and the captain's hat related cards. One question we encountered was this:
If a player has no cards at the beginning of the turn (let's say it's a keeper), and the current rules on the tables are "Draw 1" "Play 4" and "Swap plays for draws", can that player draw one card, play it (let's say it's a keeper) and then draw three cards, or does the turn end when the player has no more cards in his hand?
Posted by Wayne Terrell on February 18, 2011 at 07:16AM
Okay, I don't want to come off as being "negative" here, but I think we can all agree that while some of the promo cards play just fine, some of them are pretty easy to spot in a draw pile, whether it's the spurrs on the edges of the old perforated cards, or the density of the and brightness of the new peel-away cards.
I wonder if any thought has been given to producing a small, "Family Fluxx" sized deck including all of the promo cards that have been released thus far? Of course, I can understand not being able to re-use some that were promoting outside enterprises, but maybe those cards could be made generic, while still serving the same purpose, and using the same dynamics. Of course, the whole aim would be to have these promo cards produced using the same methods used to create the standard decks, in order to remedy the aforementioned inconsistencies in the appearance.
Personally, I would shell out $15-$20 for a "Fluxxpansion" deck with anywhere from 50-100 re-released promo cards, wouldn't you guys? Heck, if I replaced the older promo cards, I'd just hand them off to another player and I'd still continue to purchase newer promo cards, hoping that perhaps future volumes would come out when there were enough to warrant another set.
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 13, 2011 at 08:28AM
So I got Pirate Fluxx last night and my friends and I have been playing it as much as possible. I love the new game mechanics and especially the "surprise" card. I have one question about them but I will start it with a preface.
I am thinking that because the trash something can be used on yourself to discard an unwanted keeper or creeper can a surprise that you hold be played to cancel your own event? Say there is a play all and you have a a goal that will cause another player to win but you also have "canceled plans". Can you play the goal and then play "canceled plans" to cancel that goal?
Only reason I am questioning this is because all of the surprise cards say "discard a XXXX that another player has just played".
I hope that this makes sense.
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 13, 2011 at 03:47AM
Hello everyone,
I have quite a few card games and have had many games that needed to be replaced just because we played them to death. I have since started putting protective sleeves on my cards especially Fluxx because of the extremely heavy rotation. These are the sleeves I most "recently" purchased They no longer carry them, I was wondering what solution anyone else might use. I need to find a new solution because I have 3 new Fluxx games that I need to protect.
Happy day after Pirate Fluxx release!! :-D
Posted by Larry Zeffert on February 12, 2011 at 03:48AM
My friends and I have been playing my new copy of Pirate Fluxx all day and have decided it is the best Fluxx yet. In addition to the introduction of Surprises and Plunder, we love that Talk With An Outrageous Martian Pirate Accent and Swap Plays For Draws are included from the get-go. How does everyone else feel?
Posted by Ben Bowring on February 09, 2011 at 10:14PM
So, I'm curious to know how many different versions of Fluxx there is, so I can put together a wishlist.
Can any of you help me out?
Posted by Bill Larson on February 04, 2011 at 02:53AM
I gather now that I'm a fan club member that Origins is the big "event" for Looney Labs. However since I've already spent my annual allowance to go gaming for gencon, what's in store for that event this year?
Posted by Eric Duckworth on January 24, 2011 at 02:06AM
As the subject says, got some demos off today for some great customers!!!
Play to run more during our upcoming twice weekly Board Game nights!!!!
Posted by Justin Lee on January 23, 2011 at 02:54AM
To All Fluxx Fanatics:
For quite sometime, I've had a cool custom Fluxx project going called
"Fluxx Deluxx". It's essentially Fluxx 4.0 along with some additional cards from past editions, cards from other editions, and some custom cards thrown in to shake things up. Here's the card list I came up with!
(All custom cards are explained at the bottom of this document)
Keepers: All 4.0 keepers
Coffee, Donuts, Pyramid (The), Sandwiches
Computer (The), Flowers, Star (The), Tarts
Atomic Bomb*, Luxurious Bed*
Creepers: All 4.0 Creepers
Munchies (The), Forest Fire, Flood
Traitor (The)
Wormhole*, Blizzard*
Goals: All 4.0 Goals
The Television Is Watching You
Bakery (The), Coffee Break, Desert (The), Icehouse, Nuclear War
Chrononauts, To Sleep Or Not To Sleep, Happy Anniversary
Zombies Eat Brains, Great Seal (The), Money (No Taxes), Snack Time
Brunch, Donuts With Coffee, Provisions, Cheese Shop (The)
Alien Broadcast*, Conflict Is Costly*, Latte*, Presidential Agenda*
Sub Shop*, Wedding Ceremonies*
Actions: All 4.0 Actions
Draw 4, Scatter 'Em, Choose A New Rule, Dude Quit Harshing!
What Were We Doing, Completely Different, I'm Not Dead Yet!
A Change In Weather, Population Crash, Pandora's Box
Time Vortex, Zap A Card
Surprises: All Pirate Fluxx Surprises
New Rules: All 4.0 New Rules
One, Two, Five!, Government Cover-Up, Secret Data
Plundering, Recycling, Start The Clock, Swap Plays For Draws
Change Of Plans*, Pillaging*
Meta Rules:
Rules Escalation, Time Limit, Early Compliance, Quota-Style Turns
Custom Cards
Atomic Bomb - Counts as either War or The Rocket.
Luxurious Bed - Counts as either Sleep or Dreams.
Wormhole - You can't win if you have this card. At the end of your turn,
discard this card & skip your next turn.
Blizzard - Nobody can win if this card is on the table.
New Rule Cards do not affect you.
Alien Broadcast - The Cosmos + Television
Conflict Is Costly - War + Taxes
Latte - Milk + Coffee
Presidential agenda - Dreams + War OR Peace
Sub Shop - The Toaster + Sandwiches
Wedding Ceremonies - The Party + Love OR Money
Change Of Plans - Once during your turn, you may discard any number
of Goal cards from your hands & draw the same number of cards you
discarded. This counts as a free action.
Pillaging - Once during your turn, you may take a card at random from
another player's hand & add it to your own. This counts as a free
Some important notes:
You start the game with 5 cards instead of 3.
Each Keeper is useful for winning 3 different goals.
The Star counts as The Sun, The Moon, OR The Cosmos.
Tarts counts as Donuts, Cookies Or Bread.
Let me know what you think!
Posted by Eric Duckworth on January 07, 2011 at 09:54PM
Last night I ran a demo for Pirate Fluxx less than 6 hours after getting it in the mail!!!
The couple that played in the demo were in my shop and were buying Fluxx 4.0 blind, having never played a Fluxx game before.
After a few minutes set up to introduce them to the card types, we started the game. 15 minutes later the boyfriend won the game by stealing a Keeper from his girlfriend!
They loved it and can't wait to buy PF when it is released. They also loved the free copy of Skullduggery!
More demos of PF and other Fluxx games in the very near future!!!
-Eric Duckworth, Manager
Sci-Fi Cit
Cincinnati, OH
Posted by Brooks Child on December 27, 2010 at 02:19PM
I have created what I call an UberFluxx deck. At its core it is a combination of Fluxx 3.1 and Fluxx 2.1 with all duplicate cards removed (Fluxx 3.1 cards were used when there were duplicates). With play testing it was decided that it would be beneficial to have duplicates of some of the actions, namely: Rules Reset, No Limits and Lets Simplify. Therefore, the 2.1 versions of the card were also added
to the UberFluxx deck. the It also includes every promo card released (including the booster packs) outside of The Robot and the set of 5 Goals released at Origins 2000. Those were unfortunately sold out by the time I set out to create UberFluxx. It also includes the semi-official marriage cards. My UberFluxx deck barely fits in the Large Pandora's Box.
The goal of UberFluxx is to have a Fluxx deck that contains every (regular) Fluxx card. As stated I am missing 6 of the older promo cards, and the The "Night" Forest. The "Night" Forest was left out since it is no different than than The Forest; therefore, I decided it was unnecessary. Furthermore, Fluxx 1.0 was a different card size so it can't be included in UberFluxx. I am also missing I Need a Goal and Go Fish since they were included in 3.0 but not 3.1 and I have yet to rationalize buying an entire deck for two cards. I also need to get and add in Fluxx 4.0. I have been slow to do this since I think I will outgrow my Large Pandora's Box once I do so. If you have any of the 8 cards I still need (The Robot, The 5 Origins 2000 goals, Go Fish or I Need a Goal) and wouldn't mind parting with them I would love to pick them up and would be willing to trade a The Star for any of them. If that interests you please contact me. Oh, and I still need to get my Andy Looney card signed.
UberFluxx is great for large groups. We have been able to play with 12+ people. Which makes it more of a party game than any regular Fluxx deck. It has also lead to some very fun and lively rule interpretations since rules that aren't supposed to touch are rubbing elbows. We have had to add some Meta-Rules to accommodate. Final Card Random and First Card Random are mutually exclusive, meaning one replaces the other. Furthermore, we sometimes play that all the "Bonus" rules are mutually exclusive to prevent rule overload. That said it is kinda amazing how well all the cards play together when they weren't intended to be played together.
UberFluxx is obviously huge and can be a bit unwieldy. It is so large that games with just a few people (less than 4) can end up taking quite a while since there are just so many Keepers and Goals. It has also grown to be a rather unbalanced deck. Meaning, some keepers are very strong (used in lots of combinations) wile others are only applicable with a single goal. As such players benefit greatly from knowing the deck and first time players can get overwhelmed and frustrated. This has caused me to teach first time Fluxx players how to play on one of the Fluxx variants.
Has anyone else tried anything of this nature?
Posted by Kristin Looney on December 21, 2010 at 02:25PM
Pirate Fluxx goes on sale in stores everywhere on February 11th, 2011.
Want to know more about the game? Check out the Pirate Fluxx Video that Andy just posted on YouTube!
If you don't want to wait until Feb to play - please encourage your local game store to get our Advance Demo Kit on order - and please let them know you want to get a copy of the cool new promo card SKULLDUGGERY from them!
Posted by Kristin Looney on December 21, 2010 at 02:10PM
Kristin Looney, Andrew Looney, July 25th 1996, Original Fluxx v 0.1
In order to make it easy for someone to pull the data out into a database later and do something fun with it, please start your answer with a coma delineated list with these four fields: your name, the person who taught you, when they taught you, which version
I realize few people will know the exact date they learned, if you know the year, just put the year, if you think it was sometime around 2006 then put "circa 2006". Also, the person who taught you might be: someone at a game store - someone at a convention - a stranger at a party - the rules sheet - or whatever. But if you know the person's name, please list it and encourage them to join this new fan club site! (And if you are not currently using your real name as your user name on this new fan club site, please consider changing over to your real name.)
As for my answer... yes, I was the first person ever taught how to play Fluxx. Andy recently found a memo he wrote dated July 24th 1996, where he outlined his ideas for a cool new card game. That memo was shortly followed by a card list, which I pulled into a little database I created in a program called Panorama. This program took Andy's list and spat out cards in the format found on the original black & white version 1.0 decks we later published. So within just a few hours of getting Andy's card list we were able to print and cut out cards and play the very first game of Fluxx ever played!
Best quote from Andy's original memo: "I think this could be a really cool game"
Who taught you how to play Fluxx? Tell us about your first time!
Posted by David Joslyn on December 14, 2010 at 08:24AM
Recount the oddest, funniest, most frustrating, or otherwise most memorable card combinations you've encountered.I have two to start with:
Everyone groans whenever Inflation (aka X=X+1) comes out, but during one game with my friend Vinny, recently, both that and "1, 2, 5!" "3, Sir" were out on the table. Best we could figure, this meant the second card became "2, 3, 6!", screwing everything on the table! I don't know what possessed us to do so--maybe it was too much caffeine--but we left that combo on the table for at least ten turns before a Rules Reset restored some sanity.
During the same set of games, Vinny and I just could not get rid of The Traitor. Worse yet, for several turns, I had a winning hand, but couldn't claim it 'cause of that little beast...but nor could he 'cause he had Taxes to pay! Finally, in frustration I changed the goal. (He won later anyway, by adding the rule You Also Need A Baked Potato, giving him The Traitor, and then altering the goal so he could claim my Radioactive Potato. Clever bastard!)
I disagree with Draw5PlayAll about pre-draw or between-draw actions... There's actually a FAQ answer for Batarang:
And the one linked on that page as well, about using "on your turn" abilities:
A similar question about the Shotgun in Zombie Fluxx:
So, yes, it's legal to use it before you draw, but only once during your turn. I would argue this means he could NOT use this ability multiple times in a use ability-draw it-play it-use ability cycle, since you'd be using that same ability twice during your turn. BUT, according to another ruling, you have to draw up to the current draw rule before playing cards:
This does bring up the question of legality of using free actions BETWEEN draws... But I tend to treat each draw as separate but add up to a total number rather than an all-at-once thing, due to the nature of Draw rules. (If you play a higher Draw rule than currently in play, you then add to your total draws for the turn, rather than not being able to draw more since your "draw" has passed.) Thus, I'd conclude that free actions can be done between draws as well. Someone official, please correct me if this is wrong.
Now, to the original point: Your brother's strategy is definitely a strong one. I find it interesting that he's able to pull this off consistently enough that it's an issue in a game of Fluxx, and that he gets ALL of the surprises. Surely there are strategies to prevent him getting into this situation to begin with, and surely he doesn't have enough Surprises at one time to stop multiple actions on your part? Does anyone else have any ideas about this powerful combo?