-----Original Message----- I see that we can now buy some Uberchrononauts Gold Watches; I also see there are some 2005 Promo cards, but the pictures are so small that I can't tell for sure if any of them are Chrononauts cards. Does anybody else here know? (I'm still pondering whether to pick up the Time Repair Agency t-shirt.) Daniel Boese --------------- Watches: I didn't know they were working on something like that, so I made some on my own. 2005 Promo Cards: None of these are for Chrononauts. The new Basic Rules card is for whichever version of Fluxx you're playing. Composting is for EcoFluxx. Werewolf Etiquette is for Are_You_A_Werewolf?. Martian Hold'em is for Martian_Hold'em (it's similar to Texas_Hold'em). What Is Homeworlds? is for Homeworlds. Time Repair Agency T-shirt: I bought one - I like it (individual results may vary).