Looney Labs Chrononauts Mailing list Archive

[Chrononauts] Chrononauts special

  • FromCarol Townsend <"<rabbit-support"@looneylabs.com>
  • DateWed, 08 Nov 2006 15:51:25 -0600
Hello Time Travelers!

Have you seen that there's a holiday special??

As posted on the Looney News (http://www.looneylabs.com/) which is being updated once a month now (hey, progress! cool!!) we've got a Chrononauts special: Buy a deck of Chrononauts, get a Lost ID free.

We had a question come up from a Rabbit - "I've got Chrononauts already - can I buy EAC and get the Lost ID?"

Our answer:  Sure!!  That's fine with us!

Just remember, Lost ID's goes ONLY with original Chrononauts - BUT... if you've already got a Chrononauts deck and don't want to get another and if you need an EAC deck and Lost ID's (even though they don't work together)then this is the perfect special.

MAKE SURE that if you want your free Lost ID's with your EAC order you MUST add in a note in the memo field of the order form. If you don't add that note in, we won't know to add the freebie.

If you don't have your own original Chrononauts deck, you can do a "one click" thing that orders both the deck and the free Lost ID's at once. Check out this page and you'll see what I mean:

Thanks all!

Carol Townsend

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