z2 <
It's a small community based on an old freeware game. Some of our ideas for linchpins were "Tim Sweeney Loses/Recovers ZZT Source Code" and "Dreamcast becomes obsolete/wifi compatible"
~nupanick (or other appropriate name)
Guvf VF zl jvggl fvtangher.
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Tyler Dion
<tfdion@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Nick Lamicela <
nupanick@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> so, one of my friends and I were thinking of making a derivative game with
> the timeline centered around an online community, and we were wondering if
> something like this has been done before?
What kind of online community are you thinking of?