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Re: [Chrononauts] The Gore Years?

  • Fromtiefling@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • DateSat, 12 Dec 2009 17:47:02 +0100 (CET)
I'm sorry, but this is a complete WallBanger; the characterisation of
everyone from Gore to Scalia is unconvincing, and there are too many
annoying parallelisms. Case in point: the 'Mission Accomplished' parody
makes no sense, since Gore - a bona fide environmental scientist - would
never be so naive as to regard environmental change as 'accomplished' at
such an early stage. Nor would he be so bad at PR as to use a casino boat
as a publicity platform. The knock-on envisaged for Katrina is nonsense.
Making Lieberman the de facto villain is also ridiculous, but I suppose it
spares us many more Republicans as badly written as their version of

*rolls eyes*


> http://2010.newsweek.com/essay/if-gore-had-won.html
> Don't read the comments, of course, but the article is interesting.
> --
> Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans
> eeyore@xxxxxxxx
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