Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive
[Eco] thoughts
- FromGinohn <ginohn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DateSun, 28 Jan 2007 16:54:52 -0500
I watched the Penn and Teller episode. It's the first one of their
shows that I have watched. I'd heard they were good shows and was
interested in seeing them. After watching this one, I am not so sure.
I usually like P&T a lot, but I found them to be overly smug, angry,
know-it-alls who resorted to name calling and unnecessary cursing.
They did not win me over with their attitudes. If you are trying to
convince people of something scientific, you need to be, well, more
like a scientist and less like a bully.
It seemed like they relied on one guy for all their anti-recycling
information. (They had another person for their pro-landfill arguments.)
That said, they probably have some points. But I have always known
that recycling wasn't perfect. Instead of feeling good about
recycling, I felt it was important - but still not doing enough. I
didn't think it was wasteful, but I still don't know this. I am not
taking their word for it.
I have always felt that in all the recycling I do, I was helping work
*toward* a world where recycling worked well and was efficient. And I
believe that it could be that way. But it won't get there unless we
keep working on it. And it probably won't happen until the need
outweighs the do-it-cuz-we-should idea. When there is not enough
fossil fuel to continue using it to make plastic, maybe they will
find more uses for recycled plastic.
I think with computer technology we are getting closer to a time when
paper use will decline. I've heard that so far it hasn't declined or
has gone up (since people are really into printing stuff off the
computer). I still think it's a good idea to reduce our paper use.
Reduce is the first step in Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
Gina of Ginohn