Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] National Games Week

  • FromRagnardove@xxxxxxx
  • DateSat, 3 Sep 2005 10:20:45 EDT
Just to toss out another thought in this thread...
National Games Week is Nov 22-26.  Yes, it's over the Thanksgiving Weekend, but we can do cool stuff in the classroom too. 
You can check out www.nationalgamesweek.net and get a PDF of the Games Quarterly special edition "Educators and Games" magazine.  It's got some great articles in it like "How To Teach Games" and "Start a School Game Club" as well as different articles on how to use games to teach Economics, History, Science, Math, etc...
I know we all have tons of stuff to cram into the school year... hopefully I dropped this idea into the mix soon enough that maybe some of us can get some Looney Games into the classroom with the "excuse" of National Games Week.

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