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Re: [Edu] anyone want to do something with Nanofictionary?

  • From"Solomon Davidoff" <doctordavidoff@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 09 Apr 2006 00:38:33 +0000
I think I'd be willing to give it a try with my English class too . . . I just have to see if we have a copy of the game handy (we've had to shift a lot of stuff to storage lately). I'm doing a re-work of my syllabus now, and should be able to let you know after I'm back from Passover.


<P>Dr. Solomon Davidoff</P>
<P><BR>Assistant Professor<BR>Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management <BR>Beatty Hall <BR>Wentworth Institute of Technology <BR>550 Huntington Avenue <BR>Boston, MA 02115 <BR><BR>Assistant Professor<BR>General Education/Broadcasting Faculty <BR>New England Institute of Art <BR>10 Brookline Place West <BR>Brookline, MA 02445 <BR><BR>Assistant Professor of History<BR>Arts and Sciences <BR>Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences <BR>179 Longwood Avenue <BR>Boston, MA 02115 <BR><BR>Biology Instructor<BR>Secular Studies<BR>Mesivta High School of Greater Boston&nbsp;<BR>34&nbsp;Sparhawk Street<BR>Brighton, MA 02135</P>
<P><BR>Cel - 617-953-4337 <BR>doctordavidoff@xxxxxxxxxxx</P></DIV></html>

From: "Magi D. Shepley" <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Looney Labs Education Discussion List <edu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Looney Labs Education Discussion List <edu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Edu] anyone want to do something with Nanofictionary?
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 20:19:54 -0400

I'm willing to give it a shot with my English class, and help come up with some ways that would make it more playable with my students. I like the game... I think it has a lot of potential, but my kids are so non-imaginative that it is a huge struggle for them to do this kind of activity.


Kristin wrote:

--On April 6, 2006  Solomon Davidoff wrote:

Kristin, any chance of getting some incredible discount on Fluxx Blanks,
or maybe offering Fluxx Blank Decks for teachers?

Nothing beyond our standard 30% discount to teachers...

We are actually running low on Fluxx Blanxx, and will need to print more before too long, so I'm not looking to move a lot of them at crazy low prices to teachers...

Now - ask the same question about the blanks for Nanofictionary...

We have HUGE piles of Nono Blanks that I would love to find a good use for. Any teacher who wants to do something with Nanofictionary in their classroom could easily talk me out of a big pile of the blanks practically for free - particularly if you can help me with ideas for using the game and the blanks in the classroom.

We will be doing a new print run of the game itself before too long, and we plan to make some changes. The rule book wants to talk about different ways you can play with the cards... so I would love to get more teachers playing with this game and offering classroom suggestions.

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