Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] Fluxx

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 21 Jun 2006 14:49:01 -0500
Magi, I'm going to cross post this to the Fluxx list, to see if anyone
there has a ready answer - I  know there's a URL with lists out there,
but I don't know if someone has it in a text format.

We'll find out soon, I'm sure!

Fluxx listers - check out Magi's question below please!  Answers will
get cross posted to the edu-list.


On 6/21/06, Magi D. Shepley <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does anybody have a list of the various cards in Fluxx in a text format
already?  I think I mentioned many months ago that during extended
school year, I would only have one student who really enjoys the game.
One of his tasks this summer (with my help) will be to create 'Life
Skills' or 'Transition' Fluxx, with various independent living and
community tasks making up the goal and keeper cards.

I've already determined that we cannot use the laser or ink jet printers
at school with the blank cards, because we can't use the fixer anywhere
with the students in the builder.  I am investigating the possibility of
using clear 2x4 shipping labels with the blank cards instead.

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