Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] The Teacher Warren

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 28 Jan 2007 20:24:06 -0600
Hey Johnpaul!

These instructions will work with any warren:

1) make sure you're logged in.
2) click on the "Our Community" bullet on the right hand side to open up that sublist
3) click on "Rosters" to go to the Rosters list page
4) click on "Warren Rosters" 
5 a) Click on where the warren is located (state or country) and click "go"
5 b) if you're not sure where the warren is located, click on "All in the United States" and click "go" - browse through there and/or other warren location possibilities
6) click on the warren you're interested in, read the blurb.
7) if it's an open warren, there should be a "Join This Warren" link somewhere on the lower left corner.

It's much easier if you have a direct link to the warren.  For the Teacher's Warren:

It's mostly an easy way to gather us all together so we know what we all look like - nothing really much else is happening in this CyberWarren right now.  

Does that help?

On 1/27/07, Juanpablo Amado <cardzmaster2004@xxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
Just wondering how to become part of the TEacher's Warren.  It seems like a
really cool idea and would be the first real Warren I'd become a part of.
I'm not an educator yet, but I start my clinicals in about 6 months and
would love to get tips from any current educators about enetering a
classroom for the first time!

Johnpaul Adams.

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