Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] Game Days Going Well

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 20 Feb 2008 12:45:01 -0500
February was Pyramid Games. Treehouse, Thin Ice (my own rule- better for kids I think), Scientific Method Zendo (My Connor is too annoyingly difficult with the beginners. He can get the concept that he needs to start with easy rules or the kids will end up not wanting to play again- but it is a well liked game), Volcano, Martian Backgammon. We have a couple 4 yr olds and they love Martian Match-Up. I really should post my rules for that.
Here is what I do for Thin Ice.
needed: however many pyramids you need
a 6 sided dice
stones/pennies/other marker items
the same rules about stacking and pieces in the hand, etc. When someone does one of the against the rule items, they just out their mids back in the pile, take a stone and then start up again with whatever is called next. If I have little kids (less ability/shorter attention span) I count how many rounds with the die. If I have older kids. I'll wait till we go around a few times and when I think it's  good time, I say "We'll go around 6 more times and count our stones). Because everyone just takes a stone and continues play (starting fresh), it's a bit easier on the kids.
Person with the least amount of penalty markers wins.
MARCH is Card Games. Chrononauts, NanoFictionary and EcoFLuxx.
--Kimberly in Ohio

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