Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

[Geeks] giving away free computer promos...

  • FromKristin Looney <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 25 Feb 2007 14:49:46 -0500
On 2/12/07, Alison  wrote:

We did actually "get slashdotted" once.  As in, mentioned prominently
at  the top of their site, in a list of good gifts for geeks around
Christmastime.  This was before we had our warehousing and fulfillment
outsourced, so it was just Andy and I packing orders in the basement.
Let  me tell you, it was insane!  But wow!  Great sales!  Wish that
could happen again!

Pat <xenophule@xxxxxxxxx> responded:

I'll have to conspire to get that happening again...maybe all
Project Mayhem-style :p

uhm,  what do you mean by Project Mayhem-style?

On 2/12/07, Kristin wrote:

just wait until you see the new Fluxx promo card we are making

Pat <xenophule@xxxxxxxxx> responded:

Ooooh! I can't wait!

Wait no longer, Pat...
We are giving away free computer promo cards!

And we've got geeky pseudo code to pitch the game to geeks!

Who wants to help me give away computers?  :)

Remember:  if you are registered as a Mad Lab Rabbit, be sure
you encourage people you tell about our games to mention your
name when they place an order.  You will earn Rabbit Points!

You can also submit a project report and tell us about other
cool things you are doing - if you do something that gets us
attention, but won't generate orders mentioning your name...
Log into your account, then click here: <http://tinyurl.com/2o25pe>

How can we get the Fluxx word out with a link to this page?

What geekly blogs get lots of traffic? Who should we be sending
a review copy of Fluxx too? I think it was Carol who suggested
Wil Wheaton's blog, does he review games?

Oh, and here is a question:  would anyone be interested in
a Tshirt with the psudo code from that page on it? something
new to spend some rabbit points on...

I'm 'themammarabbit' on AIM, gmail chat, and yahoo chat

I would love to chat with anyone about ways we might attract more
geeks to our online store - and this Computer Promo special.

Thanks for helping us give away computers!

-Kristin "Mamma Rabbit" Looney
'themammarabbit' on AIM, gmail, yahoo

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