Penny Arcade, normally a video gaming site, has been talking up board and card games trying to get people to cross over. (They've been specifically hawking Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne since they are slated for release via Xbox Live.) They also have a CCG of their own (part of the Universal Fighting System) has been out for awhile.
They are the most visited webcomic online, so getting a mention from them is a lot of eyeballs on Fluxx.
On 2/25/07, Daniel W. Johnson <
panoptes@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 14:49 -0500 2007-02-25, Kristin Looney wrote:
>What geekly blogs get lots of traffic? Who should we be sending
>a review copy of Fluxx too? I think it was Carol who suggested
>Wil Wheaton's blog, does he review games?