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Re: [Geeks] anyone own a Treo?

  • FromChristopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 17 Apr 2007 07:06:06 -0400
Does Eeyore have a Ph.D. in parody? He seems exceptionally skilled.

On Apr 16, 2007, at 12:34 PM, Elliott C. Evans wrote:

TheLoneGoldfish wrote:
I now own a phone that's just a phone, and a paper calendar/ organizer.

I had a paper calendar/organizer a few years back. It filled up after
about a year, and it was really hard to expand for new years without
having to offload all my old data. It was a pain in the neck to back
up, and I couldn't move the data easily to other devices. Eventually,
the cover fell off so I stopped using it.

Now I keep all my stuff in a PDA. I back it up three different ways
so that even if the batteries die or I lose the thing, I can easily
replace it. I can transfer data to other devices easily and carry
every calendar entry and phone number from the last ten years, plus
hundreds of pages of reference material and personal information.

My phone is just a phone, though. =^>

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans
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