Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Treehouse in the Wild

  • From"Mark Crane" <craniac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 28 Mar 2006 10:19:30 -0700
I was surprised to see copies of Treehouse at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, Ill, while on a business trip.  It was cool to see the instructions that everyone had been working on show up in a store, in the real world.  I ended up buying an opaque white stash, however, as I am trying to acquire enough stashes to play volcano someday.

Also, it strikes me that perhaps the best form of documentation for treehouse and some other icehouse games might be an online animated flash demo.  Despite all of the revision done to Treehouse, I think the  included rules would scare off most light game players.  Hopefully I'm wrong, and I hope I am.


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