Hi Mark,
I hope that the feedback was clear enough, but if not, feel free to have your student email me with questions. I'm not the treehouse expert, but I've played plenty of games and can give it my best shot.
Anyway... edu-list stuff: You can go to this page and sign up for the list.
http://lists.looneylabs.com/mailman/listinfo/edu If you need a password sent to you, just ping the server to send you one. I think it's a "one time" sort of password, so get in, change it to something you know and then sign up for the list.
While you're in the mailing list area, check to see what else you might be interested in getting - if you're into mailing lists that is. :)
Again, any more questions, please feel free to ping me. I'm going to be out of the office until Monday (travel, family, junk like that) so I won't be able to check mail until then.
thanks for doing such a great job with getting our games into your classroom! You rock!
- she who used to be known on these lists as "ragnardove" but who has a new email addy now. :)