I have passed along your feedback, thanks for doing my job for me! :)
It is/was a huge amount of work. I'm hoping I can talk her into doing
the final revisions. Please pass along the signup information for
the edu-list and I'll check it out, thanks.
On 4/19/06, ragnardove@xxxxxxx <
ragnardove@xxxxxxx> wrote:Hey Mark - this is a huge effort by your student - and far better than
anything I could dream of doing! And yes - this SHOULD go to the
edu-list when you get the chance. What a great way to use Looney Games
in a classroom!!
Anywhoo.... I noticed that some of the moves are being shown
incorrectly - which will probably make your poor overworked "wishing
she had chosen a smaller project" student scream, but I wanted to toss
these out:
- an upright piece can never dig
- the "between" that the rules are talking about is when pieces are
separated - a dig piece can come up between the two in a line so that
there's now 3 in a line. more examples can be written out...
- it always comes up underneath something - never on top of anything
already upright.
- an upright piece can never dig
- if the large piece had started lying down and pointing to the left,
that would be a perfect ending animation (or it could have ended up
under the medium or any place along the line by itself...)
- these two pages are showing the exact same move. The large is
digging in place and standing up.
- what you're showing is movement that is irrelavent. What we think
YOU are thinking is that there are 3 distiinct places along the
horizontal line. There's not. There's only a line - the large that
you show as moving in the 2nd page above is to the right of the other
pieces at the start AND at the end of the "move." Therefore it's
position didn't change.
- there are never empty positions along line. There's not "spot 1,
spot 2, spot 3" It's all flexible - the line is elastic - the points
are infinite. There are as many points along the line as you need
there to be - a max of 3, a min of 1. At the start of the game,
there's 1 position/spot/whatever for the Tree, and 3 spots for the
- this move is correctly shown - but the empty space is anywhere.
- before it moves, there ARE no "empty spaces."
- that medium piece can end up where you put it, in between large and
small, on top of the small or to the right of the small. That is all
of the possibilities for a hop with that medium as shown at the start.
- perfectly good example - but see the note above about the "empty
- it sort of feels like "psych - you thought I was gonna go on top!"
(made us laugh)
- absolutely correct, and difficult concepts to convey.
- VERY well done!
- btw, the ones we're not saying are wrong are all right - we just
thought this one was so cool to have gotten right!
- nope. would have been right, IF the medium piece had ended up to
the right of the small.
- basically, the small moves over to make room for the medium
- imagine that the pieces tip and stay nested - after they're down on
their sides, just scoot them off each other and un-nest them, moving
things (like the small) over as needed to make room.
- you're caught up in the "static places" concept. Location along the
line is not static.
- great!
- the rendition looks a little wierd, but you got the right idea - the
action is right.
- the entire tower tips
- this is almost right, except that the large would end up pointing to
the right as well.
This is an amazing project - we can tell how much work she put into it.
We think you should get full credit for the design work, regardless of
your interpretation of the rules. If she does end up correcting the
rules mistakes, tell her to send it along to the Looneys and see what
they think!
- she of the teacher rabbit variety
Heck: it's where you go when you don't believe in gosh.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Crane <craniac@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Icehouse Discussion List <icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:32:17 -0600
Subject: Re: [Icehouse] Icehouse images
Thanks for all the cool links. My student went ahead and did some
basica wireframe drawings. Her initial flash animations are available
She is busying putting these in web pages right now, and wishing she
had chosen a smaller project!
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