Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] New Icehouse games posted on www.icehousegames.org/wiki/ for playtesting and comments

  • From"Dennis Kringe" <d.m.k@xxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 04 Jul 2006 09:20:52 +0200

I'm still new to the list and the community, but that didn't stop me to post three new games (with a similar basic mechanic) that explore a different part of game for Icehouse - action games.

Since the games aren't that well playtested yet, I would like to hear your comments about them and the idea of "Centrificeing" in general. There are probably some things that can be corrected or enhanced (in the games descriptions in general, too). And I still have problems uploading the gif-image for visualising the mechanic (now linked externally at the bottom of the page).

So, please visit


and try them out. Your feedback is always welcome.

Dennis Kringe