Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] looking for a printable hexagon map

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 13 Sep 2006 21:00:02 -0500
I know you already have what you want, but here's another link for those who might be looking for all sorts of other kinds of graph paper.

Go to this site: http://www.mathematicshelpcentral.com/graph_paper.htm  

...and you'll see all sorts of forms already designed and posted as PDF's.  If you go way to the bottom of the list, you'll see "Click below to download: Graph Paper Printer Program Version 4.21"  This is a SWEET freeware program that allows you to do ALL sorts of different graph papers - (log, polar coordinates, dots, curves, elipses, music/tab, perspective, triangle, hex....) all of which are scalable to your needs (by metric, imperial, N-divided, time, log, quadratic...) on both ordinate and abscissa.  

I did not post the link directly to the program, because it is a .exe file - I am just pointing the way to where I found it so if you want it, you can decide if you want an executable file coming into your life.

It's a really really sweet program though - very very user friendly.


On 9/13/06, Subhan Tindall < subhan.michael@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can't seem to locate one like I want online.  I have a treehouse stash
game I'm working on & want the map for testing.  Amazingly I don't
have one of any sort(other than the tiles on my bathroom floor ;-)

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