Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] New Icehouse Game - Zamboni Wars!

  • FromChris Kice <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 04 Dec 2006 22:46:36 -0600
Zamboni Wars is now in the Wiki: http://icehousegames.org/wiki/?title=Zamboni_Wars

I've also added a new category page for "Martian Coasters" so you can easily see all the games that use them. (http://icehousegames.org/wiki/?title=Category:Martian_Coasters)

With the illustrations, the page is about 160K. For those of you on slower connections, please let me know if the page seems unreasonably weighty.


Kristin Looney wrote:
Has anyone had a chance to try this new game of Chris's yet?

I wish it was on the wiki... so I could link to it from the new
Martian Coasters page I'm building...

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