Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Ikkozendo is now on the Wiki... and needs a final name

  • From"James Hazelton" <jameshazelton@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 20 Dec 2006 16:39:14 -0600
Zenhouse is certainly better than Treedo.  Komakai Zendo, Ipponzendo, and Zenhouse are all good names; I can't decide.  The honor of final naming should go to the creator, eh?

On 12/20/06, Brad Weier <bweier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>From: David Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>So in the spirit of democracy and happy rabbits, I put it to a vote:
>***What should "single-stash Zendo" be called?
>1) Based on "smallness" - Komakai Zendo
>2) Based on "oneness" - Ipponzendo
>3) Based on another modifier/adjective - suggestions?
>4) "Single Stash Zendo"

     My 2 cents: I'd keep the name tied closer to the Treehouse set by calling it "Zenhouse."



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