Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Ikkozendo is now on the Wiki... and needs a final name

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 20 Dec 2006 13:11:01 -0700
Christopher, thanks again--I have figured out how to do the wiki thing.
(Yay! Another mark-up language to remember!) ;)

I have fully revised the Ikkozendo Wiki entry:

Please, folks, take a moment to be "extra eyes" and help me make sure I haven't totally 
borked up the text or explanations or clarifications (or variations of this variant).
But, crap... now I read that James knows him some Japanese, and Ikkozendo is a misleading 
name. (Well, at least if you're Japanese.)

Ipponzendo could work for the "oneness" element, and I like the single-word nature of it.
And he, like I, likes the sound of "Komakai Zendo" (James, what's the precise nuance of that?)

So in the spirit of democracy and happy rabbits, I put it to a vote:
***What should "single-stash Zendo" be called?
1) Based on "smallness" - Komakai Zendo
2) Based on "oneness" - Ipponzendo
3) Based on another modifier/adjective - suggestions?
4) "Single Stash Zendo"

Carol, I think this is an OK subject for the Icehouse list--we're naming a brand new Icehouse game, after all!

Thanks, everyone, for all your interest and help!
David Artman