Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Hi, and a question regarding Martian Mud Wrestling

  • From"Todd Elliott" <toddbert@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 14 Feb 2007 14:41:01 -0800

Recently got a few icehouse 'stashes' in the mail, and have been
playing some various games with my wife. We both enjoy Volcano and
Martian Mud Wrestling, but are already seeing some draws in the
latter. It's apparently a common enough problem, but I haven't seen
too many solutions for it-- a couple of things I thought of would be:

Forbid backwards movement-- but this would change the overall
character of the game too much; and seems a sort of
cadilac-as-flyswatter solution.

Disallow movement of the same piece twice in a row-- putting a small
'marker' of a different color on top of the piece last moved; this
would allow someone to set up a set of 'traps' for a piece which is
likely to be moved, but I'm not sure of the knock on effects in the

We gave the latter a shot, and it doesn't seem to hurt, but I'm
wondering if anyone out there has come across this, and if there were
perhaps some creative solutions to it.


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