Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] IGDC About To Begin

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 01 Aug 2007 08:52:09 -0700
Hi, all;

Just posting to let everyone know that the Ice Game Design Competition is about to begin.

Refer to the IcehouseGames.org wiki for the current rules (please edit if needed):

If Brian hasn't shown up with a Gmail account for submissions and ranking, I'll make one and put it in the rules on the wiki. If I end up being the official Coordinator for the Summer 2007 competition, I will seek help on this list (in a month or so) for calculating the rankings.

FYI, submissions will open on August 3rd (Friday) and close two weeks later, on the 17th. Then we'll have one month to play and send in rankings.

The time has come....

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