Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive
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- FromChristopher Buchanan Shay <shay_christopher@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DateSat, 4 Aug 2007 21:48:20 -0400
Please unsubscribe.
________________ Christopher B. Shay 407 566 8256 / 800 Rosa Street, Celebration, FL 34747____________
> Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 19:11:00 -0400
> From: andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Icehouse] Re: Monochrome Stashes - LAST COMMENT!
> Hello everyone!
> Whew! What a discussion! Sorry to take so long in speaking up, but our
> network was down for a long time and then suddenly there were so many
> messages to read! But I've read every word of the discussion, and I'd like
> to thank everyone for expressing their opinions.
> In particular I'd like to thank SwanDive78 for his many thoughtful
> comments, which I didn't think were obnoxious or at all inappropriate. As
> one who is often a dissenter, I know how hard it to speak out against
> something that everyone else seems to be agreeing with, and I thank you for
> an excellent discussion.
> That said, our decision stands: With the exception of gray, monochrome
> Icehouse stashes are being permanently discontinued.
> I support this decision for many reasons... I have a lot to say in response
> to this thread, so much so that I've decided to turn what I'm writing into
> my next article at Wunderland.com. So I thank you again for all your
> comments, and encourage you to check the website for more later this week.
> -- Andy Looney
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