Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Most portable Homeworlds set ever

  • From"Don Sheldon" <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 18 Sep 2007 09:19:09 -0400
I realized something last night and was so excited that I posted it
straight to the icehousegames.org wiki.  And then I thought that some
of you guys might find it quite interesting but don't often go there,
so here's a cut and paste.


I was thinking one day about ways to play my favorite game, Binary
Homeworlds, without having to carry my pyramids around. I mean, yeah,
pyramids are awesome, but they can be bulky. I realized that I could
use playing cards by having a suit for each power instead of a color.
Instead of upright and flat have vertical and horizontal. Instead of
pointing in a certain direction, just have them on one side or the
other of the system. All that was left was sizes. Face cards for
large, "low" cards for small and "higher" cards for medium. I kinda
worked, but trying to take in the board at a glace is so difficult. I
thought about making my own custom cards, but I'm lazy. And then I
remembered my Mü deck...

Mü is a card game with five suits numbered 0 to 9 with duplicates of 1
and 7. The suits are colored just like Rainbow Treehouse sets! In
addition to the numbers on the cards (which are used to win tricks)
there are triangles (which are used for scoring). Three cards in each
suit have two trianlges (the 6 and the two 7s), three have none (the 9
and the two 1s), and the other six have one.

By using the Red, Yellow, Green and Blue suits with 3 "no-pip", 3
"one-pip" and 3 "two-pips" cards each, I suddenly had my Homeworlds
deck! And unlike when I was using a standard playing card deck, it was
pretty easy to get a feel for the board at a glace. Having the colors
match up helped so much.

It makes me wonder what other kinds of games I could make combining
Rainbow pyramids and Mü cards...

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