ok, now this is REALLY cool you all know Kory Heath: <http://rabbits.looneylabs.com/?RabbitUserID=Kory> if you don't know him personally, you know his game Zendo. His newly published game Uptown has just come out, and I saw a copy for the first time last night. It looks awesome, and the EXTRA cool thing is that the folks at Funagain took his prototype and created the game pretty precisely to spec from that prototype. Why is this cool? Kory developed the game using ELBS as the base for the tiles - which means - the tiles in Uptown fit into our Volcano boards perfectly! AND - the game comes with several dozen blank tiles... check out this pic: <http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/249655?size=medium> How fun is that? :) Congratulations Kory - the game looks awesome! -Kristin (of the Looney variety)