Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] AxD Icehouse

  • FromMarc Hartstein <marc.hartstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 23 Jan 2008 15:48:51 -0500
On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 02:12:05PM -0600, Joshua Kronengold wrote:
> And no, the fact that this was the only game of Icehouse I won the
> whole con had nothing to do with it. (well, aside from the fact that 2
> of three of the other games had a player put into the Icehouse, not by
> me). :-P

...and the third one was the one where I specifically warned the new
players against the risks of engaging in diplomacy with you?

> Any insight in why this never caught on?  Intrest in trying it out at
> Origins or elsewhere?

I'm definitely interested in trying it out.  We could definitely try to
find some time to go off in a corner and play it during Origins.  And
ping me at other cons if it looks like we can reach 4 players.

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