Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Better variants?

  • From"Sam Zitin" <sammyz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 24 Jan 2008 12:12:29 -0500
The sudden talk of a major revision of Icehouse being better than the original version brings to mind the game of Speed Zendo that Dave Chalker introduced me to at Philcon a few months back.

For anything that my opinion is worth...this is a vastly superior game to traditional Zendo.  The ability not so much to race to build Koans, but to be able build them at your own pace instead of waiting for a table's worth of Koan's which may or may not jive with your thought processes worked about 100x better with my brain.  I found myself much less frequently frustrated and enjoying the game (second for second) much more than traditional Zendo.

It makes me wonder if there are any other major leaps like this to be made regarding already well established Icehouse games?

Sam Zitin
Director of Information Management
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Cell:   317-710-0925

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