Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Announcing Unofficial LooneyLabs forum

  • From"Joe Yeti" <joeyeti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 7 Mar 2008 16:21:28 +0100
To not get lost in the previous topic, I am posting this here.
I have just made a forum for us. Hopefully it will function as you (we) like it.
It has also the RSS capability so if you use an RSS aggregator software (like I do) you can get all posts to your reader. It also has the possibility to only watch some of the topics (separate RSS feeds).
The address is http://looneylabs.forumsline.com/, please register and try out. It is of course Unofficial one (as also written in its headers) so dont affiliate it with LooneyLabs in any way or Andy shall send his mighty Pyramid army on us ;-).

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